Spawn killing

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Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

he started sweating but the weird Technique that he was using seem to be creating a protective layer around Rengoku protecting him from he tying burned.

It could not however protect him from the heat as Rengoku face was starting to sweat along and his veins started to budge.

The spark that we're created died to his clash with his fought stayed and continue to happen as their blade clashed until suddenly.


The sound of a slash and a sword breaking was heard as the flames died down and Rengoku and Shinjuro we're still standing.

Shinjuro head fell down before it hit the floor as he his body started to disappear as Rengoku body realised a lot of blood.

He got slashed pretty badly and if he didn't receive any help he would die bit he did not have the energy to move and so he passed out in a pool of his own blood.

Now we continue where we left off
While Rengoku was laying on a pool of his own blood and dying himself, he managed to turn his head around as he notices his opponent's body turning into ashes.

Shinjuro head look shocked for a second before a proud look appeared on his face.
"I'm proud of you son, you are an amazing swordsman, please protect Senjuro for me and please make sure Atoru don't get swallowed by his emotions." Shinjuro said as he finally turn into ash.

Rengoku was moved by the words of his dad as that was the first time that his father had ever acknowledged him as a swordsman.

Matter of fact that was the first time his father even acknowledge him to begin with, he was moved to tears as even thought a demon words shouldn't move him to that point.

He felt accomplished and he wanted to live to tell Atoru and Senjuro that Shinjuro did not truly hate them, with the new mission that he had been giving he will push himself to make it happen.

Pov change.
"How many fucking revive do you have"Atoru yelled out while he looked at the demon king miraculously saving himself from dying.

Muzan did not answer but instead rushed at the teenager with intent to kill showing in his eyes.
His eyes looked a bit different then the beginning of the fight, he looked a bit more level headed and seem like he could think more clearly while Atoru looked like he was starting to get fed up with the king of the demon constantly avoiding death.

"Face the consequence of your action and stop running away from them you coward"Atoru yelled at the demon as he block the demon attack and cut the demons hands off.

"Tch"Muzan said as a huge wooden golem appeared behind him and walked toward Atoru.
The seal on Atoru body opened and Atoru pupil disappears as the immense pressure that was surrounding his body destroy anything withing a 5 meter radius of him.

Atoru then proceeded to seemingly teleport out of Muzan sight before the demon felt the warm metal of Atoru demon slayer blade slashing through his neck like a hot knife slashing through butter.

The demon red eyes glowed a very height red color as his head got decapitated from his body and then his body got sliced to down until they was nothing left.

Not even a drop of blood remain as all that was left of the demon was his burned clothes on the floor.
Atoru then looked up before he look left and saw the demon body reforming there.

He breath in deeply before the floor below him crack and he was already in front of the demon body as he was appearing put of nowhere.

Muzan body then turned into pure steel to protect itself against the blow but like a knife going through a birthday cake, Muzan defense stood no chance.

"You are pitifully weak," Atoru's voice said as he proceeded to slash the demon king into millions of pieces

The demon body started to regenerate somewhere else, somewhere and as soon as Muzan reopen his eyes, he was met with Atoru pupiless eyes.

The figure of this teenager with no pupils was the last thing he saw before he got cut again, his body this time appeared somewhere far away and they were a bunch of creature made out of woods that we're protecting them but as soon as he blinked his head was upside down.

All the creatures had been killed at the hand of Atoru before they could protect the person that had summoned them.

A few doors opened where they were fighting and from the doors a bunch of demons came out, they were hundreds of them and they all looked at the figure that was standing still before they rushed at him.

Behind them the demon king body was slowly healing and appearing out of thin air, As soon as Muzan was done healing which took him only one second, he felt an immense amount of pressure on his body.

He then raised both of his hands in a defensive measure before he block her hit aimed at his head.
The attack landed and his hands were cut with no resistance and he just barely dodged getting his head sliced up.

He had ducked under the sword last second before he kick the aggressor away, when Muzan got far enough away, he looked at Atoru that was just standing still and he could also see the body of the demons he had just killed disappear in the background.

Atoru then disappeared from his sight before he appeared give meter away from the demon while he looked like he had just taken a step forward.
"What the fuck are you"Muzan said pissed looking at the teenager in front of him.

"You know the answer to that question," Atoru said in a voice that was amplified by Chakra and his body just seem to radiate life form energy.

A/N how fast do you think he is if he can blitz Muzan to that degree.

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