I will think about it

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Last time in i was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"Well you see,I made a small shadow clone and all i had to do was just have contact with you once to place it, and i got the chance when i teleported us away,so if I wanted i could have made him use a jutsu but that would be unfair and feel like a cheap win, so instead I met you head on in a clash with everything i had to offer, "I said

"This confirms it, No matter how much i tried,i would never reach your level even if you work half as hard,but this is not going to stop me from trying, Atoru you better not slack off or i will catch you to you and show you why I'm the older brother,"Rengoku said with passion in his voice, for a second there i think i saw a dude with a green jumpsuit in a bowl cut behind Rengoku but I'm probably dreaming.

"You can try"I responded

Now we continue where we left off

We talked about random things while I also made sure that i didn't forget anything, i don't want him to suddenly go lump in the middle of a fight that would be pretty bad so that's why even if we are not fighting, I'm checking on him to see if he completely fine.

I then hear Senjuro's voice say"Where did you guys go, you left me alone" as tears were threatening to appear on his face.

"I sincerely apologize that i was so caught up in my fight with Atoru that i had forgotten you,"I heard Rengoku's voice said

I felt genuine regret in his voice,i just find it weird that he can say stuff like that without changing his facial expression, I then remember the reason i didn't use all my shadow clones to jump the living shit out of my brother,I left some clones to look at him but i guess because he didn't see them or sense them he though we left him alone for three hours.

"I thought you weren't scared of being left alone," I said looking at Senjuro

He just looked a mix of embarrassed and mad at the exact same time,i couldn't blame him for being mad for being alone for three hours but i know for a fact he wasn't alone because apart from him,i sensed somebody else in the house and I was not talking about my shadow clones.

"You were not truly alone if what I'm feeling is correct, "I said sensing the energy of whoever was here with Senjuro

"That's just the Kakushi that come here and help with cleaning,"Senjuro said realizing what i meant

"I didn't know Kakushi were used for much more than just helping us out in the field, "I said a bit surprised.

"Don't you have Kakushi around the compound to keep it clean"Senjuro asked

"I use shadow clones because its faster and more efficient so I think i might have forgotten kakushi also do those kinds of work"I said with a thoughtful expression

"Anyway, to make it up to you for leaving you for so long, why don't we go to the nearest city and get you something"I said looking at the 9-year-old hoping that he would let this go.

He looked up at me with a smile on his face,i just patted on the head while saying "But first you will have to get ready and change because there is no way you going out dressed like that"I pointed at his clothes while i said all that.

"You better not be gone by the time I'm back" Senjuro said as he started to walk toward his room.

'I feel like me constantly disappearing out of thin air might start giving him abandonment issues so i think I'm going to start using teleportation move less around Senjuro'I thought before noticing that Rengoku was looking at me.

"Atoru," Rengoku said getting my attention

"That dragon mark that you have in your body it intrigues me,"Rengoku said looking at the dragon mark that was on my body

"Oh, that's just a seal I made to store up chakra and techniques"I explained

"Uh-huh,I have no idea what you talking about, "Rengoku said bluntly

"To put it simply the seal is there to store up, the chakra I didn't throughout the day, I can also store jutsu in there because, because at the end of the day, Jutsu and Chakra are the same things"I explained.

"I can make a seal for you that can store healing chakra in it, considering a seal that just stocks up on chakra will be no use to you considering you can't use it"I said looking at Rengoku

"I will have to refuse"He said almost immediately

"May i ask why"I said looking at him

"I'm a swordsman and as a swordsman i must gain my strength with my own training" Rengoku replies

"Then what about the gates and heavenly breath you learn them right"I said

"Those 2 techniques allow me to tap into a strength that was already present in my body that i didn't have access to before,I also had to train to achieve them"He replied instantly {A/N He is technically not wrong the gates just remove the limiter his body placed on him and the heavenly breath is just breathing but with some chakra}

"I'm offering to do it for one reason,I want you to have something to heal you while you are breaking your body using those two techniques,"I said

"How Kanae," Rengoku said quickly switching the subject.

"She fine actually, a bit scary from time to time but she is doing great"I said

"but back to what we were talking about just say you will consider it and i will not bother you anymore,"I said

"I will think about it"Rengoku said

"Thank you"I said happy he is strong, but even at his level of strength my 11-year-old self would still beat him which mean, he wouldn't win against upper-moon one,or upper two.

A/N,just asking for a friend but What could be some good ms ability

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