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last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

I could also tell that he was stronger than before, he looked at himself, and then he looked at me, he immediately got out of bed before bowing his head profusely while saying "thank you"

It was a bit awkward for me because I never actually expected him to do that, I knew he would be grateful but I didn't know to what extent,

"You don't need to bow please stand up that makes me uncomfortable," I said to him as help him get up, he stood up, and then I said, "I think it's time you show your family the good news, "I said showing him the door.

He walked toward the door and open it up and when his family saw him looking healthy and not his usual pale self, they all went to him and started to hug him, it was sweet I didn't want to bother this beautiful moment, so I wanted to quietly leave but before I could even move ever so slightly I got pulled into it

Now we continue where we left off

I watched as the family played around with their father and the happiness and pure joy emanating out all of them, it was nice, I may have been a bit selfish to want to experience that too but only time will tell,

When the kids all got tired and eventually had to sleep I could finally talk to Tanjuro about the reason why I visited here in the first place,

"Now that the kids are asleep what did you want to talk about"Tanjuro said softly

Currently, the other person in the room was him, me, Kie, and Tanjiro was here because he was the oldest child.

"The reason for my visit is that I have reason to believe that the demon king himself will murder this family if you guys stay here," I said a bit tired and light-headed

"We understand your worry but it's not like we can move out here," Tanjuro said

"That's why I'm here, I wanted you guys to come live at my place the Uchiha compound, which is the safest you can be, I really hope you guys won't get lonely, even tho it's called a compound it is kind of empty, "I said a bit iffy on that last part

"You've already done so much for us, That's a bit too much, "Kie Said with a worried look on her face

"Don't worry about it, I'm just helping out some family friend there is nothing wrong with that" I said shrugging my shoulder

"Why would the demon king want to murder a family of coal sellers," Tanjiro said a bit confused

He looked at me with anticipation and his eyes and I could see that he wanted an answer along with his mother. His dad's face on the other hand seem like he had an idea why.

"First of all, the king of all demons doesn't need a reason to kill, he would do it to anyone or anything," I said before pausing, I saw Tanjiro's face switch to that of horror for a second and Kie looked like this was a bad dream

"is it because of the Hinokami Kagura?"Tanjuro asked in a questioning tone

"Yes, precisely, "I said confirming his thought

"Why would the King of all demons kill a family of coal sellers over a tradition," Kie said

"He would kill you for less to be completely honest with you" I reply to her

"Demons have one fatal the sun, and the Hinokami Kagura is basically sun breathing," I said to them

"Why do you mean, "Tanjiro said

"Let me show you, "I said walking outside the house, they follow closely behind me, when I got outside the house I slowly unsheathed my nichirin blade from its sheath before breathing in deeply and saying"Sun breathing First form: Dance" as I deliver a single high-powered vertical slash

"Sun breathing Second Form: Clear Blue Sky, "I said as I spins my body vertically to deliver a 360° slash.

"Sun breathing Third Form: Raging Sun," I said as I unleashes two horizontal slashes

I breathe in before continuing to do the kata for sun breathing

"Sun breathing Fourth Form: Burning Bones, Summer Sun, "I said as I unleashes a large circular slash

I went to all the forms after that, and repeated them over and over again before I eventually stop and looked at them,

"Was that the Hinokami Kagura" Tanjiro said curiously

"No, That was Sun breathing, a breathing style that slows down demon healing by a lot, "I said while looking at them

"So the reason Muzan wants us dead is that the Hinokami Kagura is just Sun breathing," Tanjuro said putting everything together

"you got it, "I said to Tanjuro

"What makes your house any different from ours, "Tanjiro said curiously

"Seals, a bunch of protection seals, "I said bluntly

"What is a seal," Kie said looking dumbfounded

"It is basically something that my clan used for protection," I said summarizing it, shortly because if I was to go into depth this will take a long time

"Where is your clan," Tanjiro said innocently

"They all got murdered by the demon king, "I said bluntly

"I didn't want to trigger bad memory I'm sorry," Tanjiro said feeling sad

"Don't worry about it, the reason I came here today is because, I'm not going to let him murder another family if I can stop it," I said with a determined look on my face but I was starting to feel very tired.

"How are you going to get us out of the mountain without looking suspicious," Tanjuro said

"I can teleport and if I was holding someone when I teleport they teleport with me and everything else they were holding, "I said giving a brief explanation of how the flying rajin work,

"what about everyone down in the village"Tanjiro said a bit saddened

"Don't worry about them, I'm gonna let them known" I said before Tanjiro walked inside

I waited for them to pack up their stuff and wake up the kids,

Time skip

I felt a demonic chakra rushing toward my location, it was slowed down by the seals that I placed down earlier when I was going up the mountain with Tanjiro, It was more than my current state could possibly handle.

When they all came out, I politely told them to hold hands and they follow my instruction before I activated the flying Rajin.

We appeared in front of a compound that was getting cleaned by a bunch of Kakushi

"Atoru-sama you are back, "One of them said

"Please take care of them, "I said pointing at the Kamado family the Kakushi bowed before showing everyone their new room. It was hard on itself to make them accept it and now that I'm sure they are safe, a burden got lifted up my shoulder and I felt much lighter than before.

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