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Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

The technique still continue for a while after he was gone before it stopped.
Atoru sharing an seem to go back to normal as the 'veins' that muzan saw disappeared from his body and he looked brand new like he hadn't lose any energy at all.

He then looked at his hands that have been cut beyond belief because of long he been holding the attack and notice all the burns and cuts on his hands before he signed and said" I'm going to get a lesson about this"

Atoru vs Muzan (Obvious winner Atoru)

The infinity castle suddenly started shaking as it started to fall apart while I slowly drift in and out of consciencesss as I had used way too much chakra to kill him, a simple rasenshurican could of destroyed him but I just had to flex and use my strongest attack and now even though he is dead, my hands are numb and my fingers seem to not be moving and I feel like Kanae not going to like hearing about it.

Now we continue where we left off
"Huh, I can't feel my hands at all"I said looked at my hands and it looked like charcoal, I could not feel it at all but the castle seem to be falling apart and so I just reopen the seal that was on my chest.

I started to jump from debris to debris as the castle fully broke down, I could not really move my hands but that was not an issue as I used my feet for support and jump from debris to debris while avoiding the smaller debris that we're falling with me.

As everything finally calm down, I noticed that I was in the middle of a city, the city did not look lively whatsoever ever but considering it was still, night and a whole castle just fell on him.

I'm sure it will probably cause an uproar, the Kakushi will probably take care of this, I looked around and I could tell which city we were and I sigh as I realize this city was one of the farthest one from the headquarter and it was even farther away from the buttery mansion.

I just look around before I notice people getting out of the debris, I could now finally see the groups that I had set up get out of the debris and a sigh of relief left my lips.

"This went better than I expected," I said to myself as I look at the survivor getting out of the rubble.

I would help but I currently have no hands, I walked around a bit before I notice Shinobu get out the rubbles.

I approached her and got close and the second she notice me, I got hugged and I did not resist, I, however, was starting to feel lightheaded.

I slowly blink in and out conscienness as she finally notice my hand before he face switched to worry while I just passed out right there and the seal just closed.

Time skip
I slowly open my eyes and the light in the room blinded my eyes which caused me to squint a tiny bit before I fully opened my eyes.
I groaned as I slowly got into a sitting position.

I looked at my arm and noticed a lot of bandages covering my whole arm.
My hands still felt a bit numb but at least now, I could feel my hands.

It was very small but I could feel it and slightly move it and that made me happy, my recklessness would not cause me my arms.

I need my hands and my fingers as I used them in a daily basis for a lot of different stuff which mostly include writing and drawing.

I just hope that it doesn't take too long before as I love my hands, especially my fingers, I just hope everything is store into muscle memory so I don't have to learn everything all over again.

I heard the door opened and before I could even turn around to see who it was, I felt somebody pull me into a hug as my head was now pressed again someone's chest.

I was tense when the person hugged me but after feeling their familiar aura I relax and just melt into their embrace.

"Thank the gods you are fine," Kanae said as she hugged me tight.
"I told you I would come back alive," I reply to her.
She just kept hugging me tightly and I just let it happen.
"I kept my promise but unfortunately my hands are not doing so well," I said after a bit

"I can heal that," She said softly as she finally let go of the hug and I was finally able to breathe as she let go of the hug.

I then looked around the room before I notice that Aoi and Kanao we're there along with a lot of the nurses.
"Yow"I managed to let out before I felt a lot of hands wrap around my body.
"Hey no need to act like that I'm alive cheer up," I said gently trying to calm down the crowd.

I just heard Kanae chuckles a bit before I got swarmed by a lot of questions.
I answer all of their question and reassure them that I was alright.

But soon enough Kanae did make them leave by telling them I needed rest and she was not wrong I needed a lot of it.

"Dada" I heard a familiar baby voice say.
I slowly turn my head to the left as I saw Shinobu holding Haruto in her hands.

She looked alright and that made me sigh in relief as I saw that my seals worked perfectly and she was completely fine.

"I would like to greet you properly, but my hands are not working as of right now" I said to her.
"Don't worry about it" she replied softly as she notice that I was alright.

I suddenly felt some soft hands touching my cheeks and as I look up I could see Haruto looking into my eyes.
"Hello there little one"I said to the boy to which he just giggle in response

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