Demon slayer part last part

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"Ouch that's a lot of memory coming at me at once, my clone probably was out of chakra but they did a lot during that time, so many dead demons the sun is about to rise I'm gonna meet my brother, and I will pick some stuff on the way to eat, " I said to no one just mumbling in talks to myself
"I might as well do this to save myself some time," I said again to myself as I started to jump up a tree and started tree jumping on the direction that I said to meet with rengoku

5minutes later
I finally got here, now time to wait for the flame hair young man to show up,
Around 10min later I saw him coming over my way
"Hey Rengoku how was your first day here," I said
"It was great but I feel like I could do better," he said(Author note Rengoku doesn't have the personality he had in the anime for now because remember he is still a kid in he didn't go to that mission that forged his personality yet )

"This is a test so try to push yourself a bit not too much tho," I said as I patted his head
"Sometimes I feel like you are the older brother, "Rengoku said
"Nah I'm still the younger brother just that I am more mature smarter and taller, "I said
"Did you use any of your weird abilities "Rengoku
"Yes to clear this place out of demons, "Atoru said
"Let's stick together in clear this thing together and see who can kill the most demons. I promise I will not use any of my ability for this one"Atoru said
"Sure with start on the count of three"Rengoku said
"Three Go"A/R
"Fire breathing first form unknown fire" we both yelled out as we dashed straight into the forest waiting for the sun sun to set down in  see who kill more
At the end of the night two I killed 10demons while rengoku killed 6
Night three Atoru total count 15 Rengoku 13
Night 4 A total 20 Rengoku total to 18
Night five was the closest we ever got I killed 8demons while he killed 10 guess he got lucky
Currently we are tied.

Night 6 there was barely any demons willing to come out it like they were all dying out of hiding I got around 2demons kill for like the whole night Rengoku got 2 as well
It's all up for the last night

In so for the last day we had to spend in here
I decided to do something different instead of looking for the demons normally I will just cut myself, you may be asking yourself why would I do this to myself, why would I cut myself in this place full of bloodthirsty demons?

You see my point, so I took out my Nichirin and did a cut on my arm some blood came out but I was astonished to see the wound closing not as fast as a demon but fast enough for me to notice it will be gone in like 10min.

I was waiting for 5min before I heard a voice say
"I smelled the sweet scent of human blood "
Then he looked at me

"Fire breathing first form unknown fire"I said as cut his head off that was easy so no time to repeat this process over in over again then leave this place

After this whole stuff happen the exam was finished a crow told us it done I really need to know how they manage to make such intelligent crow.
I meet up with Rengoku on the way back
"Yo so how did the demon it go"A
"Huff huff how can you not be tired after all even with total concentration breathing im tired after running for so long "R
"Total what breathing "A
"Sometimes it feels like you have a body gifted to you by God" R
"Yeah it feel like so how many demons did you kill in total by the way "A
"About 35 for some reason they were getting stronger the more I fought them"R
"Not them getting stronger you were getting weaker, as the time passes in also slower and tired but what matter what happen you wouldn't have died, to be honest, "A
"Why you saying that with such confidence I'm confused "R
"You are strong in your burning hearts will kill them and also i was 20seconds run away from you soo"
"Thank you for you worry but nothing here will stop me from helping people"
'Wait since when were we talking about saving people' I thought to myself
We started talking in chatting till we arrive there in waited for everybody to come in wait for the 2creepy girls or boys to tell what to to next.

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