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I saw him drawing something on the paper he was holding.

I approach him slowly in preparing my body for a fight he pretty strong 'so what will it use today'I though to myself while turning on my sharingan.

He looked at me in smiled like a human looking down to a bug , he put down the paper in a kunai.
'So today we learning about seals amazing I was always amazed by them' I thought to myself but because I'm in my head or consciousness I suppose he heard it too

He rush at me in throw a punch at my face I was prepared so I dodge it with all of my effort, I try to retaliate by trying to hit his head but he dodged in punch me in the chest I took the opportunity to kick him in the face.

While he was flung away he made a hand-sign I looked down in I saw a tag on my shirt
"Katsu"mysterious figure said
"Substitution jutsu" i said
I got away from the explosion but not fully 100% my clothes for my upper body is gone

While I was looking at my torn clothes I got gut punch so hard that for sec I hallucinated that I was back on earth before I got back to reality he was already behind me .

He try to break my back with a kick, but I dodge it by backflipping over it when I thought it was over he was slamming a blu ball on my gut that grinded my skin in pushing me away from him.

'Was that the rasen.....' I was thinking before I got kick in the face in went flying .
I got my balance back while I was fling so I back flip to land on my feet in use a combination of flame breathing fire form unknown fire in thunder breathing first form thunder clap in flash in dashed
Straight at him hoping to get a hit he looked at me in stood still like he was baiting me but I didn't really care I lunge at him with everything I had but when I was 4m away from him my body froze like I was paralyze.

"How many goddam seal do you have on me "i said
He put his hands up in put up five fingers.
"So you telling me there 3 more seal on me or around here"i said

It just started doing hand seals at very quick speed I wonder what kinda Justus he finna use next

'He doing the hand-sign for a jutsu what justu need to be still to be very dangerous' I thought to myself while he started by the doing the horse hand-sign then did the serpent the ram monkey boar horse in tiger hand-sign with very quick hand-sign I don't think I could follow it without my sharingan on "Fire style fire ball jutsu"

"No No nooooooo" i yelled out before I got burned so badly that I look like burned coal.

I looked back to see him doing some hand-sign which are ox hare in monkey.
I then heard the noice of a thousand bird chirping he ran at me with faster speed than before.

He was 5cm away from my chest in then ......

A/N I hope any of y'all don't mind that I take some liberty with demon blood demon art in the story in general I don't just want to follow canon I want to make a new canon in also this entity will be how the mc learn new jutsu but he will have to work for it if he need further instructions.

Reborn in demon slayer as an UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now