It so small

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Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"You don't need to apologize Shinjuro, you did exactly what I wanted"The figure in the shadow said
"I'm glad that I could help, "Shinjuro said not daring to look up.
"Here the blood that I had promise"The shadow figure said as he send something that attached itself to Shinjuro neck.

A huge amount of blood was injected into Shinjuro body as veins started to appear on Shinjuro body, he looked like he was about to pop but the shady figure stopped before Shinjuro die.

The last thing Shinjuro heard before he passed out was"if you accomplish your mission you will get more"was all he heard from his master lips, Shinjuro looked up at his master and saw the demonic red eyes looking back at him.

"the second I get my hands on you, I'm going to devour you"The shadowy figure said as his red eye glowed in the dark, the shadowy figure looked exactly like the one that taught Atoru and his eyes.

Now we continue where we left off
Mc pov
I was feeling a huge amount of pain in my eyes,i felt like every single cell in my body was set ablaze, my eyes especially felt like they were burning, i felt like somebody dropped lava on my eyeball because of the amount of pain I felt.

But apart from the burning sensation that was now my eyeball, everything was clearer everything was more detail, I looked toward the direction Rengoku's bed was located and I could see something more than just demon residue in his veins.

I could see it, the difference between Rengoku blood and genes and the demon residue slowly leaving, no not leaving more like aborbing my brother energy while it was getting smaller.

I finally saw the reason I thought it was leaving was because it was getting smaller but now I realize that wasn't what was actually happening, this thing is sucking away at Rengoku energy and if it stayed for to long it could kill him. I have an idea that whoever put it there can make it absorb all of Rengoku energy while he is fighting.

Or at the least weaken Rengoku body by forcing him to heal internal wounds, I looked at it and it stop weirdly enough, it was healing faster than the body could destroy it so it stayed alive but for some reason now it was no longer healing itself.

I watched as the cell slowly died and felt a slight pain in my left eye, but considering my eyes already felt like they were on fire I didn't notice the pain at all.

My attention was then brought back to the room that I was in, I looked down to see Kanae holding me by my cheeks but I notice something else that I never noticed before or even felt before, inside of Kanae there was a tiny not yet conscious chakra forming around her stomach.

It was small but not to the point that I couldn't detect it, it just didn't have a consciousness so it was hard to separate it from Kanae chakra, I just smile, I would of created an orphan if I went to that fight because I wasn't going to win it. (A/N the perfect dad for a Mc)

Not because I'm too weak to face him, no it's because he won't be alone, and frankly I don't like my chance against 6 uppermoons that all been boosted to a new level and my ancestor that probably have every single ability I have and more. (A/N let that sink in)

'Rage truly can't make someone stupid' I thought as soon as I calmed down, the chakra that was getting forcefed into my eyeball stopped flowing and my eye lost the tomoe in them and went back to being normal.

The pain was gone and my sight was perfect, my eyes just felt a bit exhausted like it pushed itself into overdrive and it's now tired. (A/N remember the wish)

I felt a huge amount of exhaustion wash over me and my body went limp for a second before I caught myself,
'Why do I feel so tired' I thought to myself before I lost myself and fell unconscious.

Kanae pov
Atoru looker exhausted before I saw his eyes close and he started to fall on the floor,i gently caught him and lay him down on his bed, I looked back at his bag and noticed that it was full of weapon and medicine that someone will need for a battle, he even had his battle armor on, which he rarely use because as he put it 'What the point of wearing armor if you not going to get hit'

I slowly remove his armor off of him and him, and slowly remove his jacket and glove so that he doesn't wake up sweating or feeling like he slept horribly.

He seem to be peaceful as he slept but his eyes just a moment ago were not normal, instead of the usual tree to mow spinning in his eyes or was something else,

It was completely different and it had pattern and design on it, his left at spinned around for a while before it stopped. (A/N you guys choose the ms pattern, im post some option in the comments you choose what you want)

He looked like he was in pain and the amount of blood coming out of his eyes was not normal, I'm going to need to run some test on him to see if he is stable.

"This is not the first time I saw his eyes change so much"I mutter out loud as I remember the look on his face that day went he thought I had die, the design in his eyes was the same.

I thought my mind was playing tricks on me because I was losing blood but no it's not that, his eyes seem to have evolve in some way.
I felt a bit nauseous and tired but that was not going to stop me from going to look to the notes that he gave me about his clan.

A/N at the end of the day the reason he has 2girlfriend, to begin with, was that he wanted to start his clan again, and the reason it didn't happen sooner was that I didn't want to write a 14-year-old pregnant and that's all. I can't push it back any further even if I wanted to.

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