Cleaning his mess

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Last time in I was reform in demon slayer as an Uchiha

With the help of Shinobu helping me walk to the room, I managed to reach where I placed her on the bed, she was still sleeping in the chakra that I had given was nearly gone.

'This is way to fast, ' I thought as I saw her skin was once again starting to look pale.
Shinobu once again helped me walked and when i got close enough to her, I was about to place the seal on her arm before Shinobu said"Place it near her heart,"

I got why she said that, if I placed above her heart if this malfunction she might die from chakra overload but if it near her it but not above it, the safety mechanism will activate before it reach it.

I slightly remove the dress that she was wearing just enough so that I could place a flower shaped tattoo in her chest.

After placing it and putting her dress back on, everything faded to black, 'Sleep well' I thought before I fully passed out

Now we continue where we left off
Pov change Shinobu.
"He should know not to push himself so much," I said as I looked at Atoru's unconscious body laying on the floor.

I sighed internally because even if I tell him that, he going to find a way around it, I walked toward him before I picked up his body and gently placed him near Kanae.

I then breath out a sight of relief after putting him on the bed, I look at them sleeping and the remember that his office was still a mess.

I left the room and made sure I closed the door gently so that I don't wake them up, I then walked towards his office, it was a short walk considering that his office is 5seconds away from the room.(A/N 5 seconds of walking normally)

I open the door and looked at the mess that he had created, everything looked out of place, his office look like a mad lad was experimenting in it.

I went to his closet where he keep his cleaning supply before I breath in deeply and started cleaning everything.

Time-skip 4 hours
"It's is finally done" I said as I looked at the now-cleaned office.
The most annoying part about cleaning all of this is finding what paper has been used and what paper hasn't be used, I don't want to throw away a piece of paper that has nothing on it, it will be useful for later.

"So from everything that I had cleaned there is about 400 papers that were not used and 50 that can be used again they just crumple up, he probably was getting frustrated and threw those outs, and about 800 white paper that were used beyond belief." I said as I look at the paper that I had stacked on the floor.

'Jeez he wasn't kidding when he said that he used shadow clones' I though as I looked at the mountain of paper.

"Now time for the hard part, putting the paper that have been use in one of his cabinet"I said to no in particular.
"This is going to be tuff" I muttered as I look at the stack of paper that I now realize was about my height.

I wanted to sight but I stopped myself and instead I started putting each paper where they were supposed to be, thank the gods Atoru has an automated storage system so all I had to was basically to put the paper in there and the seal will do the rest.

Time-skip 30minutes
"It's done"I said after everyone was back to normal, I didn't think it would take me so long, who would of thought that paper could fit into such small space.

"How many shadow clones did he make, he can create around 50 of them no problem but when the clone explode wouldn't that leave him drain, he wouldn't use them for that long would he" I wondered to myself before I remember something.

"Nii-san became sick and started throwing up the day that Atoru left, She pregnant " I said coming to a conclusion after I added the facts together, Kanae hadn't fought any demon that could of done and if she did, I could of helped.

It wasn't really a hard conclusion to come to, considering how her sister got sick out of the blue and that Atoru just made a seal that will just feed her chakra, the only other way she would need that would be in a fight or for extra energy, if it was for that Atoru wouldn't be rushing like her sister was going to die.

And because she had reads the books, Her sister situation looked exactly like Lillith meaning that her energy is being suck out her body to feed the growing child who need a lot of nutrient and energy to grow.

"So that was the reason he was so work up"I said before I noticed countless sample of blood in one his table.

"I have free time so why not look over it" I said before I walked toward the sample, I sat down on a chair and took out a microscope before I started looking over the microscope.

Time skip
Pov change Mc
My eyes kept twitching until I finally open my eyes, It was relatively dark in the room and I felt fine.

I got up from the bed and felt mostly fine, my body felt mostly fine, I didn't feel like I was drained and didn't feel like I had drained my chakra reserve to basically zero.

I had used around 50% of it to feed her chakra and then I used the flying rajiin twice bringing the total to around 60% of my total reserve and then I spammed shadow clone while also adding chakra into the seal.

So that around 150% of my chakra reserve, which just mean I used the seal on my arm when I was running low,'wait why didn't I use the seal to help me get this done sooner'I though(A/N because I forgot, you have a lot of ability and it's hard to keep track of, now I know why mc only spam one move)

I turn my head around and notice that Kanae was still sleeping and when I look at her eyelid I notice that her eye were moving from time to time and most of the time it mean she going to wake up soon.

I then realize that she will be very hungry when she wakes up, she slept for a whole day, and I noticed a pinkish glow around her chest area and I could tell that was the seals working overtime.

I slowly got up from the bed and made a shadow clone," can you please go buy some grocery, make sure it's enough to feed a starving Uchiha, actually make that 2" I said to the clone, the clone nooded before he vanished in front on me.

I went back to the bed and fell back on it, I wasn't willing to risk something going wrong while I was gone, I saw how her skin can go from smooth and soft to pale in sickly in a few hours.

A/N Shinobu is probably one of the smartest people in demon slayer. So she can figure that out.

I'm doing a bunch of mass rewrites for most of the chapter with bad grammar and so far I rewrote the first chapter all the way to the chapter where he meets Kanae for the first time, do you guys know when exactly the grammar gets good enough that you can read it normally and not be dyslexic.

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