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Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha
I took in a deep breath in, before showing her what posture that she should try to maintain while fighting.
"Hya," I said as I performed a downward slash,
After I did that I performed the basic kata for swordsmanship.

After I was done, I finally breathed out slowly,
"The second you master this, I can teach you any breathing you want to be good at," I said.
She nodded her head before copying my move and doing the katas.
Every time I notice a mistake in her stance, I told her and help her to fix it.
Every time that she got too tired to continue, I would heal her back up to full before we will start back up again.

Now we continue where we left off.
Time skip
*Cleng, Cleng*
The sound of wooden swords clashing against each other was heard.
If you look closely you can see a short, young girl with large, gentle eyes of a dark lilac color that are framed by thick eyelashes. She has thin black hair, worn tied into a ponytail on the right side of her head and fastened by a pink and green butterfly ornament. She has a straight fringe and two loose, chin-length strands that curve downwards from above each of her ears.

She was fighting against a young man that looked around 15 years old, he had caramel-like skin with golden eyes that looked like they were made of the purest of gold, he had black long hair that turned red at the end, his hair was swaying in the wind as he fights, he has a stern look on his face.
Those  2 people that were clashing wooden swords and fighting each other were Kanao and Atoru respectively.

"Your stance has too many openings," I said as kick her away with a sideway kick.
She couldn't dodge and got kicked away, she flew back 10 meters away from me before she regain her balance and backflipped, and landed on her feet.
I rushed at her and started to attack her again, I made sure that I limit myself just enough so that she can see me and keep up but as the fight go on, I will start to hold back less and less until she is overwhelmed.

I want to build up her endurance, while also forcing her to start to use her brain more during a fight, I don't want what happened to me to happen to her.

"It ok if you feel tired Kanao, I'm cheering for you do your best," Kanae said cheering her little sister on.

"Try your best Kanao," Shinobu saidI could hear the sound of Kanao's heart starting to beat faster and as her lung fill up with air

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"Try your best Kanao," Shinobu said
I could hear the sound of Kanao's heart starting to beat faster and as her lung fill up with air.

She rushed at me faster than before and I could see that her grip on her hilt was tightening by a lot, she got close to me, and She said"Flower breathing Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility," as she unleashes a flurry of nine consecutive attacks that flow and weave in on themselves.

She rushed at me faster than before and I could see that her grip on her hilt was tightening by a lot, she got close to me, and She said"Flower breathing Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility," as she unleashes a flurry of nine consecutive attacks that ...

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