Chapter Twenty-Two

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Almost a month after the college tour, there was one month until school was officially out. Which means prom, and senior week. I was super excited since Sam and I have beem talking about prom for weeks now. He told me he was gonna ask me, buy the tickets and everything, I just have to be the one who picks the tux for him.

Today, Matt, is going to ask Bella to prom and he needed my help. So, he was on the way to come pick me up. Sam was currently out with his grandparents whom I finally get to meet later tonight after I'm done with Matt.

Matt pulled up and honked the horn. I got up from the couch and walked outside to the car. We had to run to the store to get a poster and markers, to make the sign. I got in the car, he said thanks for helping him.

"Hey, no problem."

20 minutes later//

"Hey, Bella. Can you come to the old park? I really need a friend to talk to."

"Oh my god, please tell me Sam and you are still together?"

"I don't know, I need you here."

"I'm in the car now, meet me by the old tree."

"Okay, thank you."

I laughed after I hung the phone. "She thinks Sam and I breaking up." I told Alexis and Matt.

"Oh my god, that's crazy." Alexis laughed.

"She'll be here in five minutes." I said, "Are you ready, Matt?" He shook his head and we walked over to the big tree. We needed Alexis to hold something for Matt while he held the roses and the sign, and I was the one to record everything.

We sat there until we saw her car pull up, then we all ran behind the tree. Bella walked up, saying my name. I started recording, and I walked out.

"Are you okay, wait why are you recording?" She asked, then Matt with Alexis walked out.

The sign read, "Every queen deserves their tiara, wear this one at PROM?"

Alexis was holding a small tiara on a small, square, pillow. Bella was silent, she looked super happy and surprised. She shook her head yes, and ran and hugged Matt. I stopped recording and started taking pictures. Matt put the tiara on her head, and they held the poster up together, and Bella held the roses, also.

After that, I was off back home to get ready to see Sam and his grandparents. We were going out to eat, and I was nervous, since I've never met them, and he wants me and him to go and stay with them in LA for a week or two during the summer before I left.

I got home, and I saw Mali's car, which means she was back in town. I walked in and saw her cooking, I walked in the kitchen and said my hello's to Caleb and Jacob. "Hey, hun. Just in time for dinner." My dad said as he walked in and kissed my forhead, "Go get cleaned, and join us."

I looked blank, I told my dad that I was invited to go meet Sam's parents, and asked if I could go, and of course he said yes, "I wasn't planned to be staying." he stopped and looked at me like he was pissed. The only person who gave me that look was my mom. "Tonight was the dinner I asked out two weeks ago, to meet Sam's grandparents."

"Oh, well tell him you'll reschedule." He said with a stern voice.

"Why would I do that?" I asked, getting a slight attitude.

"Because we have company." He sat down the pan he was holding and leaned against the counter.

"I'm not to reschedule with his grandparnets." I yelled, "They just flied all the way from LA just to meet me, and I'm going to make myself look bad."

"You're not grown here, young lady. You are going to stay home and enjoy a dinner that Mali cooked for all of us, with no if, ands, or buts." He yelled.

"Enjoy dinner." I said and turned around. I walked to my room and he continued to scream my name, but I didn't listen to him. I closed and locked my door, the first thing I did was call Sam.

"Hey babe, did you forget where to meet us?"

"Sam, I'm so sorry, but my dad and I got into it and now he's not letting me go out with you tonight, only because Mali, Caleb, and Jacob are here."

"Did you tell him it was for my grandparents?"

"Yes, Sam. I told him that for the past two weeks."

"Wow, that's fucked up."

"I'm so sorry, are thy going to be here tomorrow? Maybe we can go to breakfest, or lunch, I don't know, I feel horrible."

"I don't know they're flight lives around ten at night tomorrow, so I'll have to ask."

"Baby, I'm so sorry."

"It's whatever, I'll talk to you later tonight."

He hung up the phone and I just sat there. That makes me mad that he's acting like he is, like this was honestly my fault.

Two hours later, I laid in bed and I heard a knock on the door, and a soft voice come from it, meaning it was Mali. "Come in." She walked in and smiled, well faked it.

"Hey, sweetheart. Look, I know this my fault, I should've told your father to let you go tonight. That seemed to be very important to you, meeting them." She frowned, "You can't reschedule with someone who doesn't live here."

"I know." I said. "I glad you and the boys are back, I just feel bad because Sam is mad at me, and I know dad is because I got an attitude with him, and I never do that."

"Wait, why is Sam mad at you?"

"Because I couldn't go with him to meet his grandparents." I frowned. Mali looked at me like I just said the stupidest thing ever.

"So, he's mad at you since you got in trouble and forced to stay home. Wow." She laughed.

"He's been acting weird, and asshole like since we had sex in Alabama." I admitted, and yes I told her we had sex, honestly I tell her everything.

"I hope nothing happens with you two, that would be horrible." She said.

"I know, and prom is in two weeks, and I feel like he and I are just breaking apart, but at least he hasn't cheated on me, so if we broke up it would be a normal thing, it wouldn't be anyones fault but ours." I hated actually saying he and I were breaking apart like we are, and it actually makes me weak.

I wonder if us breaking up would just be better for all of us.

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