Chapter Three

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After school, my mom picked me up, and once I got in the car all I heard was nag nag nag. I put in my headphones and didn't even listen to her. I jammed out to SoMo, for two songs, just before I felt my headphones being ripped from my ears, "Layla Ann Smith, did you hear me?!"

"No, because I wasn't listening."

"I told you to clean the house before your dad gets home!" She yelled at me.

"But I have homework."

"Do it before bed." She said pulling into the drive way. I rolled my eyes and opened the car door.

"How about you do something?" I screamed and closed the door, I walked to the house and unlocked the door. I didn't stop, I just ran to my room. I wasn't going to listen to her, like I always do.

I slung my backpack to my bed and sat down on my bed and started pulling out my books from history class. Since that was my only class that I had homework in.

"Layla fucking Smith!" My mom screamed and swung up my door. I just starred at her, like she knew I wasn't going to clean the house, "Why the hell are you in your room, when I clearly told you to clean the fucking house."

"Okay, before you bring your bitching ass into my room, how about you notice that it was my first day of school, at a new school at that, and I have a lot of homework to do. Why don't you clean the house you fucking lazy piece of shit?" I screamed back. She gave me the death stare but I didn't care.

My mom and I have never gotten along since she cheated on my dad. Yet, my mom and dad are still together. My mom never teaches me life lessons, my dad did. If, when I was younger, I had a boy problem, I went to my dad. Plus, when my mom goes and tells my dad that I cursed her out, he just tells me to stop but when I actually tell him what happened, he believe's me in a heart beat.

"I'll just tell your dad." She turned around and slammed my door.

Later that night, after finally completing the history homework, dad was home, mom was yelling about me, and I was cooking dinner.

It's a routine. I fight with my mom when I get home from school, I do my homework, dad comes home, they fight and I cook dinner.

I finished cook pasta alfredo for the family. They finally got done fighting, and I told my dad how dinner was ready. He said thank you, and that I could eat in my room so I could ignore my mom. So, I did. I grabbed my food and walked upstairs to my room.

I closed my door, grabbed my laptop and sat on my bed with my food. By multitasking, I was eating and opening my laptop to twitter.

"Got away with cursing out my mom, now I'm in my new room eating Alfredo. (:"

I turned on my tv an finished eating my dinner, that I enjoyed a lot. I watched eposides of SpongeBob until my food was gone and I was gonna take a shower.

Ending of that night, after my shower and washing my face and whatever else happened, I was making my bed, then my dad walked in. "Hey, Lay."

"Hey, daddy!" I smiled, and sat at the edge of the bed.

"So what happened? At school, and when you got home?" He asked. He looked so tired of my mom's shit, I was ready for her to leave.

"School was okay, there was a student who helped me with everything as in my books, locker, classes. Um, my gym teacher as heard about me, and I made, I guess four friends? One's name is Bella, another is Alexis, she plays volleyball, and there were guys, Jack and Sam, Jack is the one who helped me today because he's the head of New Students Committee, I can't remember what it's called, and Sam was the captain of my team in gym." I loved talking to my dad, he seemed to actually care about what happens in my life.

"That's great, and at home?"

"Well, mom wanted me to clean, which I didn't see why. We just moved here, what's dirty and messed up all day? I told her that I already had homework, she said it could wait till after dinner, but it was a lot. When we got home I just went straight to my room, and tried to start my homework, then he came in her cursing me out, so I told her to get her lazy ass to clean." I explained, my dad didn't to even care anymore.

"Okay, Layla. Get some sleep for school." He said as I climbed under my covers. He walked over and kissed my cheek. He walked out and turned off my light.

I curled into a ball and got warm, and closed my eyes. I just wanted to sleep, and not to go to school tomorrow, but then again, I didn't want to be home with my mother.

I was out.

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