Chapter Four

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I wrote in Spanish, and I'm not sure if it's correct, but I'm only on level 2 Spanish, but you'll understand it


The next morning, after I was in the car, my mom slid into the car, not even talking to me. I don't care, silent treatments are cool to me, that means no one as to make conversation.

I put in my headphones, and listened to anything and everything. I felt confident this morning, like since it's only my second day, I knew people I could talk too, and not be a loner.

I finally got to school, I didn't even say anything to my mom, I just got out and walked away. I looked down at my mom to see the time, it's only 8:20, I had ten minutes. I started walking towards the stairs, then I heard my name being called over. I looked up and saw Bella, Alexis, Jack, Sam, Jack's ex, and another guy with dirty blonde hair.

I put my phone in my back pocket and walked over to the group of people, "Morning!" I said a little jolly.

"Good morning, what's up you smiley?" Sam smirked. I shrugged my shoulders, because nothing was making me happy at this moment, I just felt good.

"Oh, Layla this is Jack Johnson, Jack this is Layla Smith, she just came in from Memphis over the weekend." Bella introduced me to, another, Jack.

"Hey, welcome to boring Westside High." He smiled.

"Thanks." I gave a smile and looked around, and made eye contact with Jack's ex.

"Can I help you, bitch?" She snapped.

"I wasn't looking at you, but since you asked you can leave from over here. It's too early for your bullshit." I snapped back, lord she makes me so mad. Like what is your purpose ma'am?

"God, I'm going to end you." She stomped off and ran off. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at everyone. Alexis, Bella, and Sam busted into a fit of laughter which made everyone else laugh, including Jack and me.

The bell rang and we all walked inside school, kids started walking to their lockers, and everything. I completely forgot where my locker was, "Hey, Jack... where is my locker again?" He walked through the halls, everyone came with us.

"Here." He said pointing at my locker. I nodded and put in my combination.

"Hey, were locker buddies." Sam laughed and went to the locker beside me. I smiled and grabbed my books, and closed my locker. The warning bell rang, and everyone said bye. "See you all in gym."

I started walking to my first period which was Spanish 3. I wasn't ready to go there, I wanted to go home and sleep. Actually, I was ready for gym, since that was the only class to seem to be fun.

I walked into my Spanish class and saw the other Jack, with blonde hair. He looked over and smiled, then he waved. I waved back as the teacher came in, "Hola te puedo ayudar?"

Okay I think she asked can I help you, "Si, soy su nuevo estudiante." I told her I was her new student, "Soy, Layla Smith."

She nodded, "Si, Layla bienvendia a tres espanoles, su asiento sera por Jack." I nodded as she welcomed me to Spanish 3 and she told that was my seat was next to Jack.

The late bell rang and class started soon after she closed the door and said to start bell work.

I didn't really care for the rest of the day, except lunch and gym. Turns out I have everyone in my lunch then I have English with Bella then gym with everyone, and my last class was Chemistry.

Once gym came around, Bella and I walked to class together, also Sam had a class close to us so he walked with his arms around our necks. "Ladies, how was classes?"

"Good, now hop off." Bella said and pushed away from Sam. He shrugged and kept his arm around me. I just laughed until we got to gym.

Bella and I walked into the locker room and Alexis already bet us, so we got dressed in our t-shirt and spandex. Luckily, today I brought tennis shoes. I finished getting ready and put my hair in a ponytail, which was curly.

I put my stuff in my locker and we all walked out to the gym. The gym coach had us stand before we played so he could instruct us on what we were doing. "Okay, Layla and Alexis are captains today, ladies pick your teams."

"Sam." I started, she took Jack G. and Bella, I took the other Jack and we continued trough the class, and there was only one person left and it was my turn to pick. The cheerleader. I still don't know her name.

"Game start." Coach Jones let my side serve first.

We played, scored, laughed, and had fun, until I got hit the back of the head with the ball, from my side. "Opps." An annoying voice said from behind me. I stayed on the ground as everyone rushed to me.

"Be careful, no one touch her head." Alexis said. She right, I got hit with a fast ball during a game at my last school, and I was rushed to the hospital.

"Sam, Jack, someone take Ms. Smith to get a bag of ice." Coach Jones said, "Ashley, you're out of the game."

Jack G. picked me up and put my arm around his neck, we slowly walked out of the gym. I took my arm of him and walked by myself. "You need to be careful." Jack said, I stopped walking and looked at him.

"Go back to class, please. I don't need you." I snapped, I hate when boys help me, it makes me seem like I'm weak.

He stopped and walked away.

After school, well thirty minutes after school, I was standing outside waiting for my mom. God, she makes me so mad. She knows I don't know the address that well, nor how to get home. "Why are you still here?"

I turned around and saw Jack. I rolled my eyes and fully turned around, "My mom is late, why are you here?"

"Baseball meeting." I nodded and looked at my phone, I text her four times, and no reply. "Come on."


"I'm taking you home, it's supposed to rain in a little while." He said walking away.

"Um, I don't know how to get home." I said looking down at my fingers.

"Then my house it is." He smiled and walked to his car.

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