Chapter One

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Here we go again, a new house, school, a new state. I didn't feel like even getting out of the car. I looked at all the groups scattered around the front lawn of the huge school. I felt my stomach rumble.

I looked over at my mom, as she didn't pay any attention to me. I rolled my eyes and got out the car. I shut the door and walked toward the stairs of the school. Once I looked back towards the car, she already left. Of course.

I knew school didn't start until 8:30 and it's only 8:25, so I looked around the campus looking at the groups of people you'd think you would only see in High School Musical.

There was this one group that stood out, boys wear nice close, except they looked like jerks, plus there were sluts, wearing short skirts and tank tops.

I didn't realize I was staring so hard to the point one of the boys looked at me. I blinked my eyes and looked away to my phone. Only one more minute until this damn school opens.

I slid my phone in my pocket and gripped my strap of my backpack. The bell finally rang and I walked into the door.

I walked straight ahead to the main office, I waited for some people to walk by, then I opened the door and walked to the front desk. A light skinned lady asked,"Can I help you?"

I nodded and handed her a piece of paper. She read over the sheet of paper, while she was reading, the door behind me opened. I turned to side and saw the same guy I made eye contact with outside. I looked away so he didn't see me, I looked down at my fingers. "Oh, okay you're the new student from Tennessee. Welcome to Omaha, Nebraska, and this is Westside High school."

I gave a smuggled smile, and moved my hair from my face, the guy looked over at me and smiled.

"Layla, this is Jack Gilinsky, he will be helping you around with getting your books, finding your classes, getting your locker, and so on. Jack this is Layla Smith." The lady said handed my papers to Jack.

"Okay, Layla," Jack smiled, well smirked, "Let's get started." He opened the door and I stepped out. The door closed and he spoke again, "Follow me."

I followed him as a bell rang, I looked at my phone and it was 8:40. Times here are weird to me.

We finally stopped in front of the library, and he opened the door for me, I stepped in, and of course there were zero people in there. "Good morning, Mrs. White. This is our new student from Tennessee."

"Good morning kids, welcome to Nebraska and Westside High, I'm guessing Jack is helping you out with everything?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am, thank you." I spoke. She gave a smile and I followed Jack to a table near the back of the room, and we took a seat.

He looked down at the piece of paper that the lady at the front office handed to him. He read it as I just happened to find the details about him.

How his skin was amazingly tan, just about as dark as me, how he as a perfect jaw fixture, chocolate brown eyes, and thick black hair.

"Okay, so..." I snapped back to reality as he started to speak, "I'm Jack Gilinsky, so you've heard, I'm a senior, I play baseball for the school and I'm apart of the new kids club which is what this is, me helping you find everything." He huffed. Wow, attitude already?

I nodded only because I wasn't sure of anything to say, I was just letting him do the talking.

"Tell me about your-"

"It's obvious you don't want to be here." I fake laughed and rolled my eyes.


"By the tone of your voice, it seems like you have a bitch to go see and I need someone who is more serious about helping me." I stood up and grabbed my backpack and walked away leaving him with a blank look on his face.

I walked out of the library to try to remember where the office was. I looked around and turned the corner, and felt my arm being grabbed. "What's your deal, Layla?"

"Zack it's-"

"It's Jack""

"Whatever, I see you don't care about what you're doing and I was going to save your breathe and go ask if there is someone else who can help me. Is that a problem, Jack?" I crossed my arms.

He let out a huff of air and leaned against the wall, "Look, sorry about not be jolly about a new girl coming to school. I just got dumped last night, and a lot of times I don't care, but she dumped me because she cheated on me."

"Sorry?" I did not care about his break up story. For the looks of how his friends crowded him this morning and how he dresses plus the cheerleaders being with him, he looks like a Fuck-and-Go person.

"I'll help you, and we don't have to talk anymore, okay?" He asked.

"Fine." We started walking back towards the library.

I smirked at him, even though he didn't see me. He thought his bad boy image was going to scare me off, but really I seemed to scare him more. You know why? Because I don't care about hardly anything. From my last school nothing go to me, hoes, players, drama, nothing and that's surely not going to happen here.

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