He meets your boyfriend ( Luke And calum)

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(Luke 20)

" What if they don't like me, (y/n)?" your boyfriend, Alfie, said.

" They'll love you! Don't worry, my brothers don't bite!" you joked. Alfie laughed and you two got out of the car and walked up to your family home. You knocked and Luke answered the door.

" (Y/N)!!" he said, hugging you. You hugged him back, and then turned to Alfie.

" Alfie, this is Luke. Luke this is Alfie" you said. Alfie put his hand out.

" nice to meet you" he smiled. Luke done a half smile and shook his hand.

" pleasure" he said half heartedly. You glared at Luke and walked in with Alfie walking behind you, Luke used his height to intimidate him, looming over the poor lad. You two took your shoe's off and walked into the lounge where you were greeted by Jack and Ben. They seemed to like your boyfriend more than Luke did, warming up to him straight away. You all sat on the sofa's and started to talk.

" so, Alfie,  what kind of things do you like to do?" Jack asked.

" Well, I really enjoy music and I play the guitar and sing a bit." he said. You saw Luke look up from his phone.

" what kinda music do you like?" he asked, sitting up straight.

" I really just enjoy anything that has a good tune. so that could be Taylor Swift to Green Day" he said. Luke smiled at him, this time it was genuine. And just like that, Luke loved your boyfriend. At the end of the night, when you had left, you got a text from:

"he's cool, keep him haha"

( Calum 15)

You had boyfriend called Caleb, and only Mali and your mum new about it. You knew if Calum found out he would freak out because Caleb was a year older than you, which wasn't that much. He decided to take you to the movies to see Inside Out because he knew you liked those kind of films. You had just sat down in your seats when you heard a familiar voice.

" hey bro, isn't that your sister?" it was Ashton, and by the sound of  it, he wasn't alone.

" wha- (Y/N)?!" he said. You and Caleb turned around slowly and saw the two men staring at you. They both looked confused.

" Oh hey...." you said.

" Who's that?" Calum asked.

" Caleb.... my boyfriend" you said. Calum's face changed to pissed. They film started and you turned back around. Whenever Caleb tried to hold your hand or put his arm around you, you would hear Calum ' cough' and he would stop what he was doing. You sighed, frustrated. When the movie was over, you got up angrily and left, your boyfriend following. You got out of the theatre and turned to Caleb.

" I CAN'T BELEIVE HIM!" you yelled, Caleb hugging you, calming you down.  Calum came out and saw you.

" (y/n)-" he started to say, but you glared at him and walked off. Caleb took you out for dinner and for a walk in the park before taking you back to your house.

" thanks for today, and sorry about my br-" you said, but he smiled.

" don't worry, mine would have done the same" he said. you two said your goodbyes and he left, but not before kissing you. He then went. You went inside and was greeted by Calum and your mum.

" mum said this Caleb is older than you..." he said, rudely . You snapped.

" CALUM, I DON'T CARE. FIRSTLY YOU WRECKED MY DATE, I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY. AND NOW YOU HAVE THE GUTTS TO KEEP ON . HOW STUPID ARE YOU?! LEAVE ME ALONE. I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU.... UGH, I HATE YOU!" you screamed at him. he looked shocked as you ran up to your room and slammed the door.

*Hey, sorry I've been gone for awhile, I had to take some time to get my head around some stuff. Hope  you like*

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