He buys you something

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(Luke 17)

"Luke please, it's fine! I'll pay for it" you tried to say, but Luke wouldn't listen. He held the top in his arms and started to walk towards the check out.

"It's my gift to you (y/n), now enjoy it" he said over his shoulder.

"Luke please you don't have to, I'll pay for it" you said, hoping he'll listen. He didn't. You sighed and caught up with him.

"Okay, but let me at least get you something?" You asked.  He shook his head.

"Nope, it's fine (y/n) it's not like I don't have the money " he smiled. "Cheer up Hemmings" he said, using his free hand to rustle your hair.

(Michael 15)

"What colour?" You asked Michael,  showing him two different shoes. He pointed to the black pair and you nodded, putting the dark blue pair back. 

"Right, how much are they?" He asked. You turned them over and your eyes widened. They were £80 and you only had £40. You frowned.

"Too much for me. Never mi-" you said, but the shoes were taken out of your hands by Michael.  You were confused. "Mikey what are you doing?" You asked.

"Just wait here (y/n) I'll be right back" he said. You sat down and waited. Soon enough Michael returned with the shoes.

"There you go! A little prezzie " he said. You smiled.

"Thank you Mike!" You said.

( Calum 14 )

You walked around town with Calum one evening,  looking at random shops. You walked up to a window and saw the model wearing a dark red jacket. You loved it. Calum walked up beside you.

"You like that one?" He asked. You nodded. He then pulled you into the shop. You looked around until you found it and found your size.

"I'll buy you this (y/n)" he said.

"Are you sure?" You asked. He nodded and went to pay.

(Ashton 12)

You sat in your room, looking through your school books when there was a knock on your bedroom door. You got up and answered it.

"Ashton! You're back!" You said, smiling and hugging him. Ashton had been on tour for the past months.

"Yep, can I come in? I have something for you " he said. You nodded and let him in. He came in and sat on your bed.

"Ready?" He asked. You nodded. He pulled a box out of his bag he had and gave it to you. Yu opened it and saw three tickets for (your favourite band)

"Oh my God Ashton,  thank you!" You gushed, hugging him.

Hey guys I'm back

I'm sorry I didn't update for months,  I didn't really have any ideas for parts but now I have some more. Stay safe - Lils x

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