He's Young And It Is Christmas Eve

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Thank you for all the support guy's, it really mean's a lot to me. Here's an idea that I got from @_niallsunicorn . Hope you like it!

(Calum He's 10, you're 15)

You had non stop chatter from Calum on Christmas eve. He was bubbling with excitement.

" I can't wait! I wonder how many presents I'll get?! Do you know, (y/n)? Do ya? Do ya? Do y-" he said. You stopped him.

" I don't know, Cal! Please calm the hell down!" you said. He nodded, than ran to his room. You wondered if you had hurt his feelings, so you followed him. You knocked on his door.

" Cal?" you asked. He answered the door with wrapping paper.

" You can't see this! It's a surprise!" he said, closing the door. You smiled. He was energetic, but you did love your little brother.

(Luke He's 15, you're 19)

"Oi, Emo! Come down and say hi to your friend!" he called up to Luke's room. It was Christmas eve and you had Calum over for the night since the Hood's were spending Christmas with you. You heard his door open and Luke walk down.

" Just because I listen to Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance doesn't mean I'm emo, (y/n)!" he said. You laughed.

" C'mon where is your Christmas cheer?" you laughed. He sighed but smiled. He said hi to Calum and they both went to Luke's room.

" Bye emo! Dinner will be in 20 minutes!" you shouted.

" I'm not emo!" you heard, making you giggle.

(Michael He's 4, you're 6)

You and Michael were watching a film. You were both quiet for once, until Michael piped up.

" Do you think Santa will come to us?" he said.

" Yeah, for sure. We've been really good so he defiantly will!"  you said. Michael nodded, then looked back at the TV. Michael then yawned.

" Are you tired?" you asked. He nodded. You couldn't really read the time but you knew it was passed his bedtime, and probably yours.

" Let's go to bed so Santa would think we're extra good" you said, grabbing Michael's hand and went to get him ready. Once he was ready, you walked to his room.

" Night night Michael" you said. You heard him say night then turned the light off. You then went to your room and went to bed.

( Ashton He's 17, you're 18)

You were out for the day, doing some last minute Christmas shopping. You were looking for some Twenty One Pilots albums for your friend. Then you saw a familiar mop of hair. You looked harder and saw it was Ashton. He saw you and his eye's widened. He quickly paid for the things in his hands and then left. You went and bought the albums then decided that was enough. You went home and wrapped the presents.

" I'm just gonna dropping these off at (y/f/n)'s house" you said to your mum then left again.

You came back about an hour later. Ashton was in the kitchen.

" Did you see what I bought?" he asked. You shook your head.

" Good, it was your present" he said.

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