You're dating ethan nestor (Michael)

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If you don't know who this guys is: he's amazing. He's a gamer. You should watch him as he is so down to earth. We both have the same humour  (childish) - writer xx



When you told Michael that you were dating the curtain blue hair boy, he was completely fine with it. He watched a few of his videos and his ones with Mark and he really started to like him.

You had moved to LA with Ethan at least 6 months ago now, and you were loving it. Ethan treated you like royalty.

Michael was on tour in America and was in LA for three days. You and your brother decided to meet up for a few hours to share random stories. He was also eager to meet Ethan. You decided on a little, not well known café as your meeting place.

You sat next to Ethan next to the window waiting for Michael to arrive.

" I've got to say (y/n)... I'm pretty nervous!" He laughed, hugging you tighter to his side. You smiled.

" it'll be fine babe, Michael has seen your videos.  He loves you already and he hasn't even met you!" You said. You picked up your drink and took a sip.

"How?! If he's seen my videos does he think all I do is make dick jokes?" He asked. You nodded.

"That's is all you do" you said. The  door to the café opened and a guy wearing sunglasses and a cap walked in. You recognised him. He walked over and you stood up as well as Ethan.

"Mikey!" You said, hugging him. He hugged back. You pulled away and introduced your boyfriend. They said their hellos, shaking hands, before sitting down. You and Michael started chatting about everything you two had done since you had last seen each other.

"- you should have seen Calums face when he found the spider! It was fucking hilarious" Michael chuckled. Both you and Ethan laughed along. It was going well.

" Excuse me guys while I go visit the toilet" you said getting up and walking to the toilets. Michael waited till you were out of earshot then started to talk to Ethan.

"You're a nice kid, Eth" he said."You hurt (y/n) I get my mates to break your legs" he said. Ethan looked startled.

"I wouldn't dream of it Michael,  I love (y/n/n)" he stated. You then came back as Michael smiled and put his hand on Ethans shoulder.

" You and me will get along just fine" he said, making you chuckle.

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