He Can't Make It Home For Christmas ( Part 2)

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( Calum 9)

It was Christmas, and you were sat at the table. You were meant to be eating, but you were still upset, so you just pushed your food around on your plate. You looked at the time. It was 9:36 pm. You sighed. Then the bell rang. Your family looked at each other, confused. No one was meant to be here. You mum got up and went to the door. She answered it, but all you could hear was muffled voices. You looked up when she came back, only to find she wasn't alone. Calum was stood behind her, grinning at you. You smiled and jumped down from the table, engulfing him in a hug.

" You made it!" you said. He nodded.

" They changed their minds and said that I could come home. Merry Christmas!" he said, taking a present out of his bag and giving it to you. You took it from him and smiled, opening it. It was a snow globe of London, a place that you loved.

" Thank you Calum! Merry Christmas!" you said, finally happy that your brother was here.

(Michael 18)

You were sat on the park bench, watching your breath dance every time you exhaled. He has done this every year, say he would visit, but then make up some excuse not to come or not come all together. Your phone buzzed. A call from Michael. You ignored it. He was the last person you wanted to talk to right now.

You looked up to see a hooded man dressed in black walking towards you. You got really scared. He got to you, and you could tell he was drunk from the stench of alcohol.

" Hey, pretty lady. Why don't you come home with me?" he said, offering you his dirty hand. You shook your head and got up to walk away.

" That wasn't the answer I was looking for but I don't care, I'm getting what I want" he said and grabbed your arm and tugged at you. You screamed, hoping someone would hear. They did. Someone ran over and talked the man, throwing punches at his face. The guy got off of him then turned around, facing you.

It was Michael. Great. You were grateful that he had saved you, but also still very mad at him. It was silent for what seemed like ages. Then Michael spoke.

" Look, (y/n)... I-I'm sorry. I care so much for all you. I promise I will be here from now on" he said. He sounded genially sorry. You thought. He did just save your life.

" okay, Mikey. Just this once. If you break this promise, I will not forgive you" you said. He hugged you, in which you returned.

" I won't break it" he said.

(Ashton 2)

It was boxing day, and Ashton was coming back! You had made sure the card was perfect for him. You were sat with Harry when the doorbell rang. Lauren got the door and you waddled out to see who it was, Harry following behind you. You saw Ashton and smiled.

" ASHY!" you said, going up to him and making grabby hands at him. He smiled and picked you up.

" Hey bug!" he said. You snuggled into his neck and he bought you into the lounge. Lauren went and got the card. She gave it to him.

" me and lawren made it!" you said. He smiled and opened it. It had a drawing on the front of a badly draw Christmas tree. It read:

" to ashton

merry Christmas

love from Lauren and (Y/n)"

Lauren had wrote it, apart from your name, which you wrote yourself. He smiled.

" Thank you girls!" he said, hugging Lauren with his other arm. You giggled.

" Now, why don't you all show me what you got for Christmas then?" he asked. You were really glad he was back, even if it wasn't Christmas anymore.

(Luke 12)

You sobbed on your bed. Why would he do this? He knew how important this was to you. You heard a knock on your bedroom door, but ignored it. You door opened and Luke walked in, holding the card. He sat beside you.

" The card was beautiful, (Y/n)... .And I'm sorry I wasn't here in time.." he said. You sniffled.

" you know how important this kind of stuff is for me" you said, looking at him.

" I do, and I wish I wasn't late, because I've made the most amazing girl in the world cry. Please forgive me?" he asked. You thought. You couldn't stay mad at the goofball. You hugged him, to which he returned.

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