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I wake up at 07:30 am and I got a text from pedri saying that I should go watch his game and ofc I said I would go hes my childhood best friend. I go shower after showering i dry my hair eat breakfast brush my teeth do my makeup and hair and put my clothes on.

My ouftit:

With the jersey of pedri when i looked at my phone it was already time to go

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With the jersey of pedri when i looked at my phone it was already time to go.

I put my shoes on and went to my garage i got in my mercedes and drove to the stadium.

When i got there everyone knows me bc i usually go watch pedris trainings so i always get full acess.

I got in its 2 hours before the game so asked the staff where pedri is they said hes training with the others so i went there.

"Pedri!" i ran to him and hugged him.
"Aurora ive missed you so much!" he told me.
Even if we saw eachother everyday.

"Aurora this is gavi my other best friend." pedri introduced gavi to me.

"hey im aurora nice to meet you." i shaked his habd and we had a deep eye contact.

"nice to meet you aurora im gavi."he smiled.
His smile is sooo cutee i think his the youngest on the team.

"uh gavi we should get going we have alot of training to do." pedri said to him.
"yeah see you later 𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑎" holy shit the way he said my name oh gosh im blushing and their already gone.

The match begunn spain is doing so good their winning gavi scored 2-3 goals and hes the youngest there!

The match ended with 7-0 to spain, after the match i went to their cabin.

"hellooo winnerss!!" i yelled to them while entering the room.

"aurora!" pedri hugged me.
"hey gavi nice goals for a 18yr old." i tought about hugging him but i didnt.

"thanks." he responded.
"so aurora theres a dinner bc we won our match and you welcome to come at 8:00pm." pedri informed me.

"oh sure i will come, so i got to go see you guys later."i said to the boys and smiled at gavi.

When i got home it was 6pm so i started getting ready by taking a quick shower and doing my makeup.

ugh idk what i should wear i think something fancy if its a dinner lets see what i have.

ugh idk what i should wear i think something fancy if its a dinner lets see what i have

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decided this dress with this bag. I put on some jewelry and curled my hair.

its 8pm and im here i think everyone is inside because i dont see anyone coming and im a woman ofc im late.

"hey guys!" i smiled at them.
everyone sat down and i sat infront of gavi to my right pedri and to my left ferran.

everyone ordered stake but i was in the mood for pasta so i ordered pasta with rose wine. Me and gavi kept making eye contact.

The waitress kept flirting with me and i was getting uncomfortable i think gavi noticed.

"what would you like for dessert princess?"the waiter asked me oh god hes so annoying.

"a salad fruit please."i said politely.
We waited till the dessert came everyone started to eat gavi held my hand and said

"are you sure you dont wanna leave bc you seem uncomfortable?"he asked me everyone was talking so no one noticed.

"thank you gavi but im okay." i gave him an reassuring smile.

he still didnt take his hand of my hand and i started to blush like crazy.

Oh no the waiters coming again what the hell does he want from me!

"Beautiful before you go heres my number call me." he winked at me i was disgusted.

"can you back the hell of my girlfriend?" WAIT GAVI JUST CALLED ME HIS GIRLFRIEND!

"oh sorry mate didnt know yall were together." The waiter looked down embarrassed.

"dont do that again" gavi said while grabbing my waist and walking me away from what happend.

"oh thank you so much gavi you saved me." i hugged him and suddenly all the weight of the world fell.

"no problem, heres my number if you need me." he smilef at me and omg hes so cute.

"okay bye gavi." i smiled at him one last time before walking away.

as i entered the car i wanted to scream this was so amazing he was so overprotective!

I drove home while blasting taylor swifts songs in my car and just smiling all the way home.

I got home changed clothes into my comfy pijama washed my face abd did my skin care routine.
it was now 11pm so i watched too hot to handle.

Its now 1am i finally decided to go to bed.

Its so good sleeping after knowing what happend oh gosh im i starting to have feelings for him? No aurora stop being silly!


Chapter II >>

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