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I woke up with a slight headache today barcelona only has training at 2pm.

It's currently 10am.
I went to my bathroom and washed my face.
I look like a fucking mess.

I already started making lunch bc i was sooo hungry.

I decided to make the famous gigi hadid's pasta.
It actually turned out pretty well.

As i finished it was now 12:30 am i washed the dishes and went to my bathroom.

I took a long shower then it hit me.
The spanish royal family is going to be there.

I tried to brush it off.
The i got out of the shower with a towel warpoed around my body and one wrapped around my hair.

I started brushing my teeth and did my skincare routine.

I then blow dried my hair with my new dyson.
I started deciding what should i wear.

I mean its almost new year.
So its a little cold but i also want to look presentable for the royal family.

Then i decided to wear this:

I put my boots on and some jewelry i grabbed my dior black handbag and put some things in it

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I put my boots on and some jewelry i grabbed my dior black handbag and put some things in it.

Then i sprayed my channel perfume on me and went to my garage.

I entered my mercedes and put my handbag on the passenger seat and connected my phone with the car and played my playlist.

I got there it was now 1:30pm.

I didnt see any cars of the royal family so i assume their gonna be here at 2pm.

I got in the stadium and saw pedri and gavi talking it looked serious.

When pedri saw me he immediately stopped talking and smiled.

I ran up to them and hugged pedri and gave gavi a quick peck on the lips.

"are you guys alright?" i asked them bc i saw the conversation earlier.

"yeah everythings fine." gavi quickly spoke up.

I talked to them a bit more when Xavi called the boys over but he said i could come too.

Me and xavi are actually close bc my father and him are friends and sometimes he would babysit me.

we were all in a circle waiting for him to speak up, I was in the middle of gavi and pedri.

"so you guys know the royal spanish family is coming i want all of you to be on your best behavior." Xavi told us sternly.

Im still a little bit hurt abt the fact that gavi didnt tell me about this.

"Am i clear?" he asked the team.
"Yes!" everyone responded.

I didnt.
But no one noticed that,only pedri.

I went to the benches and sat on one of them.
The boys were already training while i was watching them mostly gavi.

Then suddenly everyone stopped training and looked at the securities coming in the field with the royal family behind.

All eyes were on them.
They went up to xavi and the players and greeted them gavi was looking at the ground.

After some minutes they started heading towards the benches.

"hello mr.felipe,ms.letizia and hello princess leonor and sofia." i stood up and smiled at them politely.

"oh hello dear." letizia came in for a hug wich i gratefully accepted.

felipe only shook my hand while sofia hugged me and leonor was only looking at me and nodded.

They sat beside me.
"so aurora is it going well with victorua secret?" letizia asked smiling.

"yes yes, in like 1 week im going to do a runway." i told her.

"oh wow but dont you need to go to america?" she asked.

"actually yes i havent told them yet so please dont tell them." i pleaded.

I havent told gavi and pedri about going to nyc for 3 days and im not sure when im going to tell them.

"oh yes ofc its not my place to tell." she smiled.
Oh god shes so sweet.

They have been training for a long time now were gonna eat dinner.

As were walking to the dinning room its giving me flashbacks of that one time.


were all eating while gavi is sittinf next to leonor.
while im sitting next to sofia and pedri.

"is there something going on between you and gavi?" sofia asked to her sister and everyone stopped eating.

"what kind of a question is that?"leonor asked.
"you guys seem very together like yesterday." sofia responded.

God i love sof but why here?

Everyone looked down knowing me and gavi had a thing.

" i saw you guys kissing yesterday." sofia admitted.

Suddenly the world went quiet.

Nobody moved.

The silence was loud.


" hey are you okay?" pedri asked touching my arm snapping me back into reality.

"uh yeah can you actually sit beside me?" i asked.

"yeah ofc." he smiled at me.'

Then we all sat pedri was beside me and gavi was infront of me.


i thought.

Anyway we startes eating the adults eat in the other room to give them some privacy to talk ab things.

Things are really akward it's completely silence.
Suddenly pablo broke the silence not gavi the other.

"hey aurora do you wanna like hangout sometime?" he asked.

omg this is so akward kms.

gavi gave me the jealousy look.

"uh yeah sure." i smiled at him.
If i said no it would've been more embarrassing.


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