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Now it wasnt akward at all the boys started talking about football and laughing at jokes.
It was actually very calming.

After everyone was finished we all went to a room with sofas,tv and other stuff.

The boys started a fifa match and i was beside pedri watching the game i turned around to the sofas and there was gavi but then i saw leonor approaching him.

She sat next to him and they started talking.
My attention wasnt even on the game rn.
It was only on them.

They started laughing.
this cant be happening right?

As stupid ferran is he decided to play truth or dare.

Everyone started joining leonor sat next to gavi and gavi was on my front.

"ill start truth or dare leonor?" rapinha asked.

"truth." she said in a confident tone.

"who would you kiss on the team?" he asked her.

"gavi but i already did that but i would do it for a second time." she smirked.

What the actual fuck?
everyone stayed quiet.

Gavi didnt even say anything about it but i could kinda see that smirk is he joking rn?

The rounds went on but then it came mine.
"truth or dare aurora?" pablo asked.

"truth." i responded.

"is here someone you dont like?" he asked.

"yeah 100% sure." i said directly looking at leonor.

Some players started getting home bc it was getting late and i was pretty tired too.

I got up and grabbed my things i hugged some players then i went to gavi who was talking to leonor.

"bye amor." i said as i kissed him.
he kissed me back.

"adios hermosa." he said.

As i was leaving i heard him say this.

"oh no were nothing." what?
Im done with this boy.

Some people were still inside idc.

"ok gavi im done here what the hell is wrong with you one day your saying you love me and all that stuff and the next is you saying were nothing is it beacuse of her? Wow im fucking disappointed in you i fucking loved you okay! and now your choosing here? Anyway im leaving in 1 week to nyc for a runway good luck with her i guess." i felt tears coming up to my eyes.

people just starred shocked.
gavi was there no emotions written.

I turned my back i heard him calling my name but i didnt care.

As i was driving home crying like a mess.

I love him.
I still do.

I got home put my pijamas on and took of my makeup.

i brushed my teeth and went straight to bed.

18 missed calls from gavi

25 missed calls from pedri

13 messages from gavi

47 messages from pedri

I immediately called pedri.

"aurora!." i heard a sigh of relief escaping his mouth.

"are you okay why didnt you tell me your going to nyc?" he asked.

"im sorry pedri but i need to." i told him.

We then talkes for almost 1 hour abour the whole gavi thing.

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