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Seeing the boy i fell in love with kissing the princess of spain broke my heart.

I felt tears in my eyes streaming down my cheeks i got out of there immediately.

I ran past some people when i bumped into pau.

"hey are you okay?" he asked concerned.
"y-yeah im just gonna go home." i gave a fake smile.

I ran past him never looking back and straight to my car.

When i arrived there everything went quiet i fell to the floor and started crying .

I was there on the floor on my knees crying.

After like 20min of crying i put my pijama on took of my makeup and did my skincare still crying.

My eyes were puffy from crying i was a mess.
I kept looking into the mirror asking myself what i did to deserve this.

I went to my bed and putted on my laptop a sad romance movie just to cry more.

I just dont understand i thought he liked me.
I guess not.

The movie was over and i was crying even more i was destroyed.

I heard people talking outside i guess they arrived.

They got into the room and talked about random things.
I started to grab my pillows and a blanket no way im sleeping here.

"hey were are you going?" pedri asked catching gavi's attention.

"Im going to sleep with pau and ferran." i told him not even looking at him.

"W-what why?" he asked.
"Just because i dont want to!" i yelled angry.

I got out of the room and straight to pau and ferran.

"Hey do you guys mind me sleeping here?" i asked shyly.

"yeah no problem what happend?" ferran asked.
"im sorry i dont really want to talk about it." i looked down.

"Its okay take your time." pau reassured.

I went to the empt bed and got under the covers.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Next day~

I woke up early its now 6am i went back to my room i went to the bathroom washed my face did my skincare did a light makeup and picked my ouftit.


I did some waves and went downstairs

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I did some waves and went downstairs.
Im not gonna train i dont think it will help anything.

Tomorrow they're gonna play against morocco
i really hope they win.

Everyone was up already training and there she was leonor watching gavi train only gavi.

I went straight to pedri and gave him a hug i really needed a hug right now.

He wrapped his hands around my waist knowing i really needed this hug.

I let go of him to let him train gavi saw it idc he litterly kissed leonor yesterday.

I sat on the bench beside sofia and we were having a quick chat.

"Hey are you okay yesterday you got out crying?" she asked.

"yeah i just had allergies but did anyone else see it?" i lied.

"just the footballers." she responded.
"i have a question." she said.

i nooded my head like go on.

"were you and gavi something before we came?" she asked and that question stopped the world.

I stayed quiet and looked down.

"why'd you ask?" i asked.
"i see it you know how you look at him and how he looks at you when your not starring." she responded.

"he looks at me?" i said with a weak voice.
"yeah like all the time." she told me.

"his with your sister now." i looked down.

she didnt responde to that knowing she cant talk about her sister.

We were still talking now its lunch time good because i didnt eat anything for breakfast.

We went to the dinning room i sat next to pedri and sofia.
While gavi sat next to leonor.

All the adults were gone i dont know why so here were just the players and the girls.

"is there something going on between you and gavi?" Sofia asked to her sister everyone stopped eating.

"What kind of question is that?" leonor asked.
"You guys seem very together like yesterday." sofia responded.

God i love sof but why here?

Everyone looked down knowing me and gavi had something.

"I saw you guys kissing yesterday." Sofia admitted.

Suddenly the world went quiet.

Nobody moved.

The silence was loud.

"It was just a kiss okay! its not like he had a girlfriend." leonor got a bit mad.

I still looked down speechless.
He didnt told her about me.

Tears started to sting in my eyes.
I got up from my seat and left the dinning room.

Pedri's POV

"are you fucking kidding me?" i asked angry.


He starred down speechless.

I ran after aurora.

I knocked at her door nothing.
She opened the door and i gave her a big hug.

"im not okay hermano." she told me while crying

"dont cry please." i begged her. i hate seeing her cry.

"i love him." She told me.
"i know i know." i kissed her forehead.

"ill always be here for you." I told her sincerely.

Aurora's POV

Its now 11pm and im laying in my room crying while gavi is in another room i think he knew i wouldn't want him sleeping in the same room as me. Pedri slept with me bc i asked him too.

Lets see how it goes tomorrow with the match.


Chapter IX>>

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