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Auroras POV

I was woken up by pedri saying its 8am and we are late to training.

I got ready real quick brushed my teeth put on my jersey and shorts put my hair in a high ponytail and did a light makeup.

I went to the fiel and started to get warmed up i saw the royal family just watch us and sofia gave me a little wave i gave it back.

We were now gonna play like little matches 2vs2
i was with pau we were winning.

"do the girls mind playing football with them so they dont get bored you know?" luis asked

ugh no luis ily but no.

"no i dont think they mind." felipe told him.
"great they can go to the cabin there's jerseys and shorts for girls."luis said.

After like 15min they camebwith everything on.

"leonor you can go with gavi and sofia with ferran."luis informed.

are you kidding me?!

The royal family needed to attend a meeting so they were gonna come for dinner.

Oh gosh me and pau need to play against leonor and gavi.

We all got in positions ofc i was better than leonor.

I scored a goal pau ran to me picked me up and hugged me while lauging.

i couldnt stop giggling.
Gavi looked jealous asf but its not my fault?

We were not leading 6:4

I was about to make a goal when leonor kicked my leg with metal shoes.

I fell to the groung yelping in pain.
Pau ran to my side trying to help me but the pain was so much.

Gavi came to my side looking at me like it was his fault.

Gavi called luis and luis called the medic team.
They came and helped me get out of the field to the medic room.

I dont know whats happening in the field right now but i hope leonor gets payed back.

The medics gave me some antibiotics to help with the pain and spred some cream on my leg.

And ice packets.
It was helping realive the pain but i was still mad.
its now 20min after and the pain got much better.

I just feel a little bit when i walk.
I got onto the field.
And all eyes were on me.

pedri and pau came running to me asking if im okay if i need help.

I told them i was okay and that i dont need any help.

"why's she still here?" i asked loudly.
"w-who?" luis asked confused.
"leonor?" i asked.

"why wouldnt she be here?" he asked.

I see whats happeining they think i fell down and she doesnt have anything to do with it.

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