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06:00 am its so early i would've go back to sleep but i have a shooting today for vouge so i need to get ready.

I made some panckakes after that i brushed my teeth and washed my face did a light makeup bc they do my makeup at the studio and dress me.

my outfit:

I grabbed my bag and went to my car and started driving to the vouge studio

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I grabbed my bag and went to my car and started driving to the vouge studio.

When i got there they started doing my makeup and i changed my ouftit.

When it was over i drove to starbucks and picked an ice latte with extra cream.

I love my job its modeling but ofc i always need to keep diet but atleast i have a beautiful body!

(all bodies are beautiful!)


aurora do you want
to see me train?


Pedri texted me asking if i want to see him train so i couldnt say no omg that means gavi's there!!

God i look ugly wait aurora why do you care hes just a friend?

I got to the stadium like 11am.
"hey boys!" i said to pedri and gavi.
"hey aurora you look beautiful." pedri complimented me.

gavi was speechless idk why but he just stared at me like i was an angel.

"uh y-yeah yeah you look beautiful." gavi said softly.

i just smiled at him bc he shuttered.

i sat on the bench and watched them train it was awesome.

pedri did a goal dedicated to me i love him as a brother ofc.

Now its lunch time and ofc i went to bc i was starving i sat next to gavi and pedri.

It had chicken alfredo it was so good then the coach spoke.

"so aurora your always welcome to say at the stadium bc hotels are kinda pricy in qatar and how me and your father are friends it would be okay to him." he said i was shocked.

"oh wow yeah that would be really nice thank you sir." i spoke politely.

"great the problem is youll have to share with the boys you can stay in the room with pedri and gavi." he spoke.

"thats okay well have much fun."i laughed.

after lunch the boys showed me where i will be staying i went to my hotel and grabbed everything of mine.

Oh no ill have to share the bathroom with the boys worst nightmare.

We were now all having dinner luis was talking about what the boys need to do on the next match.

all i could do is stare at gavi.

After dinner we all went upstairs to our rooms ferran wanted to make a movie night.

I went to shower as i was only in a towel gavi walked in oh shit i forgot to lock the door.

"oh shit im sorry." he immediately closed the door.

i was red from embaressment so i dried my haur and straighten it.

my pijama:

I put on my slippers and went downstairs to the theatre

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I put on my slippers and went downstairs to the theatre.

I walked in it looked like a cinema i sat next to gavi on a sofa bc pedri was sitting with ferran.

We had a blanket over us so we were sharing one.

"guys we are watching conjuring 1"ferran said.

oh god i love horror movies but not the ones that are based on true stories.

it was like half the movie me and gavi were like kinds getting closer and closer trying to find eachothers comfort.

I was now next to him laying my head on his shoulder and smiling like crazy his scent was so good.

he put his hand on my tigh but like asking for permission oh god aurora dont catch feelings.

But you already did.

I mean its gavi. My gavi

If it had jumpscares i would hide my face in his chest and he would laugh.

The movie ended everyone went upstairs i still was kinda red from what happend there but cmon were just friends.

Our room was big it had one bathroom and 3 king sized beds.

Pedri's bed was on the left and gavis on the right mine was also on the right so next to gavi.

"good night my boys." i said to both of them.

"night." pedri mumbled he was tired.

"good night my aurora." gavi said quietly but i still heard it and holy shit my heart started to race.

I set off the lights and pulled the covers over me.

I still could smell his scent next to my body.

oh aurora you have feelings for
and dont even deny it.

Chapter III>>

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