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I woke up and looked at my phone to see who texted me it was pedri!

him saying good morning as usual.
i got out of bed and im not really hungry so im just gonna go do my everything shower girls ikyk.

i got out of my steamy shower and wrapped a towel around my body and hair.

I brushed my teeth and did my skincare.
i didnt out any makeup on since they do my makeup at the studio.

I dried my hair bc they do my hair there aswell i ordered lunch when it arrived i started eating.

I need to be there at 3pm.
So i have plenty of time im in my robe laying in bed scrolling trough tiktok.

It was now 2pm so i decided to pick my outfit.

I put my coat and grabbed my bag and started to head out i got onto the SUV that was waiting for me

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I put my coat and grabbed my bag and started to head out i got onto the SUV that was waiting for me.

I got there and headed inside.
"bellaaa!!" i ran up to her and hugged her.
"auoraa my lovee!!" she hugged me back.

"are you nervous?" she asked me.
" to be honest yes i am i know its not my first time but theres gonna be alot of celebrities." i told her.

"yeah i get it im nervous too." she told me.
We gor into iur victors secret robes and decided to take a pic to put on insta.

We gor into iur victors secret robes and decided to take a pic to put on insta

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she reposted then on her insta.
People started to do our makeup and hair.

They did curls on my hair aswell as bella's hair and our makeuo looked so freaking good.

my makeup :

my makeup :

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