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I woke up at 7:30 am the boys are already training the match starts at 8:30 pm.

I went to the dinning room to eat breakfast.
I grabbed some pancakes with maple syrup.

No there she was leonor entering the room looking like a fucking princess oh yeah she is one.

I just decided to ignore her and eat my breakfast while scrolling through instagram.

"You know we dont have to be on bad terms that gavi chose me." she said with a smirk.

"Are you kidding me? You dont even know what your talking about." I spat at her.

Idc if shes a princess she cant speak to me like that.

She just walked away and went watch the boys train.

We need to leave to the stadium at 17pm.

I went to my room and started getting ready.
I showered after showering i dried my hair and did some light curls.

I put some makeup on like concealer,mascara,lipliner,highlighter etc.

I put on some baggy blue jeans and my spain jersey.

And i picked my gavi jersey.
Ik im dumb but idc.

I put on my shoes on and grabbed my black handbag.

I took alot of time its now lunch time.

Everyone was already downstairs sat as i entered the attention flew to me.

I just ignored it and sat down next to sofia und ferran.

We all ate mostly the boys talking about the match.

Sofia was wearing a spain jersey with her name on.
And leonor was wearing one with gavis name on.

I went outside to watch the boys train.

Skip time to 17pm>>

Were now going on our bus to go the stadium.
Im sitting next to pedri.

The ride was pretty chill me and him talked about things like football family etc.

We arrived at the stadium and saw so many people and many moroccos.

The boys went to change in the cabin to do the warm up on the field.

I needed to go to the bathroom so i stood up from my sit and went to find the bathroom.

"aurora." i heard from behind me knowing whos voice that was.

"yeah?" i asked.

"im sorry okay? That was fucking stupid i dont know what i had i just know i love you and i dont want to lose you i miss you so much." he confessed.

i couldn't forgive him this easly could i?

"i just hope i see you rooting for me out there." he hoped.

"ill always be rooting for you gavi." i told him.

He was called on the field so he needed to go he gave me one last look and went out.

What just happend.

Im so weak for him.

I went back to my seat and waited till the match started.

It was the half game and still nothing it was 0:0 i just hope they score.

Gavi almost scored but he didnt.

They changed him he came sit over looking disappointed in himself.

"you did amazing out there gavi." i told him truthfully.

"i shoulve done more." he looked at the ground.

The game ended still nothing they did more 20min no one scored their going to the penalties.

I was now praying so hard.

Moroccoa started first they scored.
No what is happening.

Spain didnt score their gonna lose.

Oh god no.
Im already seeing pedri's face.

Morocco won.

They started yelling in happiness running around.

I went over the fiel and gave pedri a hug he was the one now who needed a hug.

He started crying on my shoulder.

Then i rememberd luis wanted to win this wc for his dead daughter.

I let go of pedri and gave gavi a big hug.

They all were devastated.

I went over to luis and gave him a hug and was saying sorry even if it wasnt my fault.

Everyone was on the floor.

The world was loud for morocco but silent for spain.

they all went back to the cabins to get dressed.
Where then headed to the stadium to grab our things and go back to spain.

Were all at the stadium still no one talking.

I grabbed all of my things.
I put on a comfy outfit to go to the airport.

I went over to gavi.
"are you ready?" i asked him.
"no.." he told me.

i gave him a quick hug before entering the plane.

I was seating next to gavi.

3 Days later>>

Its now friday im in my house chilling.
Its sad how spain lost but yeah.

Today were doing a little meet up after the game.
I think everyone recovered.

I took a long bath dried my hair did a makeup curled a bit my hair.

And this was my outfit:

I grabbed my black hand bag and went to my garage

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I grabbed my black hand bag and went to my garage.

I got into my mercedes and started driving.



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