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I arrived at the restaurant i just saw ferran,pau,marco and pedri i think the others were still coming.

"hey guys." i gave them all hugs.

"how are you aurora?" marco asked.

"i should be the one asking you guys that after you know." i looked down.

"you look beautiful by the way." pedri winked at me.

pedri was always flirty with me as a joke.

I gave him a kiss in the cheek amd laughed.
The other were arriving.

Then gavi walked in.
His eyes fell directly at me.
He smiled at me!

He came over and gave me a kiss om the cheek while he gave other like noods etc.

He sat down beside me.
"you look gorgeous." he smiled at me.
"thank you, you look handsome." i told him.

we ordered the food then we were talking.
This was the restaurant where me and gavi had our first kiss.

"Are you excited to play for barcelona again?" i asked gavi.

"to be honest yes i am, you need to promise me one thing." he told me.

"what is it?" i asked.

"youll always come to watch my matches." he said.

"i promise you ill always come and watch your matches." i smiled at him.

I live in barcelona so im near him.

The food arrived we all started to eat.

I guess most the players recovered afte the wc.

After the food we were still talking.

"hey gavi do you mind taking some pics of me outside?" i asked him.

"yea sure." he smiled.

We walked out this is the spot of our first kiss.

I started to pose while he took pics.

"come look at them." he told me.

i went over to his side really near i could feel his hot breath on my neck.

He starred at me while i was focused on the pics.

"aurora." he said.

i looked up to him.
he grabbed my check gently and kissed me.

There were fireworks in my body like the first time we kissed.

I pulled away and said.

"i love you my gavi."
"i love you my aurora."

he kissed me again but more passionate.

I pulled away and said we should go inside.

We all started to say goodbye i turned to pedri and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

Then i went to gavi and gave him a kiss on his lips but quick so no one would notice.

I went back to my car and smiled the whole way home.

When i got home.

how my house looks like:

I parked the car in my garage and went inside

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I parked the car in my garage and went inside.

I took of my dress and out on some shorts and gavis hoodie no one knows but i stole his when i was sharing a room with him and pedri.

I took my makeup off and did my skincare routine.

I went to my cozi living room and put "the kardaishans " on.

I decided to send gavi a photo.

                                My gavi♥️

                                        i sent him this photo:

my hoodiee?!                                      HAHA I STOLE IT!

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my hoodiee?!
                                      HAHA I STOLE IT!

it looks better on you
                                             im not giving it back

its okay keep it

                                        what are you doing??

Im watching wc
and you?

                                    im watching the kardashians

ill text you later
i love you♥️♥️

                                  bye i love you too♥️♥️


I dont understand are we together friends?
I just hope leonor doesnt come back into his life.
I saw some news saying that leonor has a crush.
I was really mad when i read that.

I was getting pretty tired i already watched 3 episodes that when i get a text from gavi.

                              My gavi♥️

good night mi princessa♥️♥️

                                   good night mi corazón♥️♥️


Me and gavi are going really good now i love him so much.

Tomorrow im going to watch him train for fcb im already excited to see him even if i saw him some hours again.

hes my safe place.

I dont care what he did everybdoy makes mistakes and she kissed him not him her.

Im not mad at him and we werent even a thing.


Chapter XI>>

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