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As their leading me to their cabins i can sense this is going to be akward asf.

"why didnt you tell me you dated him?" gavi asked with a stern face.

"i didnt think it would be such a big deal." i shrugged while looking at the floor.

"Well ofc its a fuckinf big deal aurora you should've told me that!" he raised his voice.

The only feeling i feel is ashamed.
Im ashamed i didnt told him that.

"im sorry gavi." i apologized.

"do you know what lets just leave it." he told me.
I hugged him and he hugged me back.

After what happend i was in my house just chilling when i got a message.


hey hermana!
do you want to come with
us to the club at 8pm?
ill pick you up!

yeah sure see you♥️


I went and took a quick shower i got out and did some light curls on my hair.

Then i did my makeup a little more extra.
Then i went through my closet looking for a dress.

Then i went through my closet looking for a dress

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Wow i look like a fucking goddess.
Then i put some jewelry on like a necklace,bracei and my rings.

I grabbed my mini white dior handbag and put some necessary things in it like tampon,lipgloss,keys,my phone etc.

I put my heels on and waited for pedri to text that hes here.

He just texted me hes here i get out of my house and lock the door.

I see his car parked in my driveway he gets out of the car looking very handsome.

"hola amor." he takes my hand and twirls me around.

"you look gorgeous." he kissed my cheek while opening the car door.

"you look handsome." i winked at him.
I got in the car and waited for him to get in.

I connected my phone with my car and started to play some music.

He kept looking on me so i turned to him and asked.

"whats wrong pedri?" i smiled.
"theres something you should know auora." he got more serious.

I nodded my head for him to go on.

"So uh the royal spanish family is coming to see barcas match and trainings."

my smile dropped.

"wh-what do you mean?" i asked looking down.
"after the world cup they liked watching our games and stuff so they want to come more times." he told me.

I just looked out of the window unsure of what i should say this cant be happeining me and gavi are doing so good.

"oh well thats amazing." i said not making eye contact.

pedri gently lifts my chin up " hey its gonna be okay im here for you." he smiled.

"thank you pedri." i kissed his cheek.

We arrived at the club the whole barca team was gonna be there.

Pedri put his hand on my lower waist while guiding me in.

"hello everyone!" pedri greeted them.
I heard a couple heys,hellos or just nodding their heads.

I smiled at them.
Gavi wasnt here strange.

"wheres gavi?" i asked ferran.
"oh hes on his way." he smiled at me.

Then gavi came in he greeted his team then he came up to me.

"wow aurora you look beautiful." he looked shocked.

"why thank you, you look handsome as well." i smile at his reaction.

He cupped my cheeks and kissed me.
Gosh how i love this boy.

"oi how about we take some shots?" ferran interrupted.

Everyone agreed we started walking towards the bar we all ordered vodka.

We took like 5 shots.
I was kinda getting drunk but not that much.

We all went to the dance floor and started dancing.

My back was turned to gavi's front and i started to dance on him while his hands went rooming all the way to my body.

We were all sweating i was so tired and it was only 10pm!

I went to seat in one of the sofas.
Pedri came beside me resting his head in my shoulder.

"are you okay?" i kinda yelled since the music was so loud.

"yeah, you?" he yelled aswell.
I nodded my head.

It was starting to get late me and pedri both decided to go home but i went up to gavi.

"im gonna go home bye i love you." i kissed him.
"okay get home safe i love you more." he kissed me back.

Me and pedri went to his car while he started driving.

He offered to take me to my bedroom and i kindly accepted bc i couldnt walk perfectly.

"thanks pedri bye." i kissed his cheek.
"no problem bye." he kissed my head then left my room.

I took of my dress and put my pijamas on im just gonna shower in the morning i took of my makeup and brushed my teeth and hair.

I got under the covers and fell fast asleep.

oh no leonor is coming back?
Next chapter>>>

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