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I woke up at 7:45am im not tired, im very exited to meet his family for the first time!

his sisters name is also aurora!
its gonna be difficult.

The first thing i did i checked my phone yo see any messages.

it was from gavi saying good morning and he told me he will pick me up in a few hours.

i went to my kitchen and started making some blueberry panckakes.

i decided to take a picture since it looked really good and posted it on instagram.

i decided to take a picture since it looked really good and posted it on instagram

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After i finished eating i decided to take a shower.
I got into the shower washed my hair and scrubbed my body with my rose scrub shampoo.

i got out and wrapped my body around a towel and my hair.

I brushed my teeth and did my skincare.
I blow dried my hair and decided to do some light curls.

I chose my outfit i tried to look presentable.

I think its very cute!Its not 11:25am and im just adding some jewelry already did my makeup

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I think its very cute!
Its not 11:25am and im just adding some jewelry already did my makeup.

I grab my black handbag and put some important things in it.

Gavi just texted me saying his outside i grab my sunglasses and my bag lock the door and head out.

"hello mi amor." he said while getting out of the car and then walking up to me.

"hey gavi." i smiled while kissing him.

we pulled away then he opened my door for me to enter after a while he got in.

"are you exited?" he asked.

"yeah, but im really nervous." i played with my fingers.

"no need to be nervous theyll love you." he grabbed my hand and gave me an reassuring smile.

i smiled at him and looked out of the window.
after a while we arrived.

He got out of the car and opened my door.
He grabbed my hand and we walked up to the front door.

i was so nervous.
Then he knocked at the door and we waited for someone to come.

Then suddenly the door opened.

"omg hello gavi!" a young woman i think it was his sister went up and hugged him.

"hey sis this is my girlfriend aurora!"he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer.

"heyy nice to meet you we have the same name!" she laughed and then brought me into a hug.

"nice to meet you too!" i smiled at her feeling more comfortable.

"come in guys!" she said while walking in.

"oh mi amor you arrived." his mother said while walking up to him to give him a hug.

"this must be my daughter in law!" she smiled at me and gave me a big hug.

i almost felt flustered that she said 'daughter in law' i already love his family.

"that must be me hi its so nice to meet you!" i smiled at her.

"the pleasure is mine i love your runway shows your so beautiful." she told me.

"i can agree with that." gavi said.

"amor your daughter in law is here aurora!" his mother yelled to his husband.

he came running down.

"its so nice to meet you aurora!" he said while hugging me.

"the pleasure is all mine!" i hugged back.

"mama when is the food ready?" gavi asked probably hungry.

"almost lets all go sit at the dinner table." she told us.

We all headed there his dad sat at the end,aurora to his side and his mother infront of aurora.

I sat beside his mother while gavi sat next to aurora.

His mother made spaghetti!
i love it.

We all started eating and making some conversation.

"so aurora when is the next runway?" aurora asked.

"oh i dont know probably like in a few months." i told her.

"what do your parents do?" his dad asked.

"my father works in a firma in portugal and mother is a dentist." i smiled.

"why are your parents there if i can ask." his sister asked.

"well they just thought it would be better but i decided to stay here and im happy with my decision." i smiled looking at gavi.

They started to get me a little better and me them.
they're really sweet and supporting.

After lunch were just sat on the couches talking a little bit more.

"come back soon guys and drive safe!" his mom told us as we were walking to his car.

"we will!" gavi yelled back.

"it wasnt that bad was it?" gavi asked as soon as we entered the car.

"no,i love your family." i smiled at him.

He bought me home and i suggested him staying the night.

Were right now watching a movie while cuddling.
Suddenly he grabbed my face and started kissing me roughly.

i wanted more so i sat on his lap while making out with him.

"are you sure?" he asked as he pulled away.

"yeah gavi we already done it." i rolled my eyes jokingly.

He started to take my clothes of while i took off his.

He started to kiss my neck leaving hickeys hes like a hungry animal.

he started to twirl his tounge aroung my nipple and i moaned.

were home alone so who cares?

then he put his member in me.


Its the next morning and last night was amazing!
I started to feel sick so i ran to the bathroom.

i started throwing up and then i felt someone holding back my hair while rubbing my back.

"are you okay my love?" he asked.

"yeah itll pass." i said while wipping my mouth with my arm.

"dont you have training?" i asked.

"oh yeah shit i love you be safe!" he yelled while walking out of the door.

I headed to take a shower and out my vs pijamas on and layed on my bed while scrolling through instagram.

I started to get tired so i decided to sleep a little bit more.


Chapter XXII>>

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