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I woke up at 3am and started getting ready.
Im so tired but i can sleep in the plane.

I brushed my teeth and hair i grabbed a hoodie and some sweatpants and put my hair up in a clawclip.

i grabbed all of my things and left the room, i got into the SUV and fell asleep till i arrived at the airport.

Im lucky that its this early and now paparazzi are here.

I did my check in and went to my privat jet.
I sat on a chair and touched some buttons so i can lay i out on my airpods and put my chill playlist on.

im probably just gonna sleep the entire time so good night!

8 hours later :
i finally arrived at spain.
I got out of the privat jet whole the securities grabbed my luggage's.

I got into an uber and they drove me home.
I finally got home its already 1;30pm.

and pedri made the reservation at 8pm so i have enough time.

i might aswell suprise them at training.
I did a light make up and let my wave of my hair down.

outfit :

I mean its hot in barcelona so whatever

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I mean its hot in barcelona so whatever.
I grabbed my ring and put it on and my necklace that pedri gave me its a little moon.

I grabbed my handbag and went to the garage and got into my mercedes.

I finally got there im prettu nervous to be honest.
I went to the field and saw the boys!

they still havent noticed me.

"hey xavi need help with them?" i smiled.

all the boys turned around and quickly ran to me and hugged me i almost fell to the floor.

everyone hugged me except gavi.
"i didnt know you were coming here!" pedri yelled exited like a little kid.

"i wanted to be a suprise!" i smiled at them.

" we missed you." ferran smiled at me.

"i missed you guys to but i think you should go back to training." i told them to turn around.

i quickly went up to xavi and gave a kiss on his cheek.

I went to sit on the benches to watch them train.
Gavi didnt even look at me.

i decided to leave a little early to go to mcdonalds bc i havent ate since yesterday.

i told the boys ill see them tonight.
i got into my car and drove to mcdonalds.

"hola bienvenido a mcdonalds que te gustaria pedir?" the person on the mic asked.
(hello welcome to mcdonalds what would you like to order?)

"me gustaría un gran tasy con papas fritas pequeñas y una coca cola." i told them.
(i would like a big tasty with small fries and a coke)

"ok." wow rude?

Im in the drive in so i quickly paid and drove to wait for my food.

"gracias disfruta tu comida." the worker smiled.

"gracias." i nodded my head.

i put the food on the passenger seat and drove to the nearest parking lot to eat my food.

Im now in the parking lot eating my food while watching some videos on youtube.

its now 6pm so i quickly went home to get ready.

i got into the shower to wash my hair and body.
I blow dried my hair with my dyson my hair looks so soft omg.

then i did a little extra makeup then usual and decided what i would wear, i wanna wear a dress to provoke gavi.

outfit :

Then i put some jewelry on to look more fancy and when i watched the time it was already 7:30pm

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Then i put some jewelry on to look more fancy and when i watched the time it was already 7:30pm.

so i quickly grabbed my beige dior handbag and got into the car to drive to the restaurant.

after like 10min i got there and i already saw the players inside but hey im a woman i can be later than them!

I quickly got inside and smiled at them.

"hellooo boyss." i extended the 'o'.

"hey aurora wow you look fabulous." pedri stood up and kissed my cheek.

"thank you pedri you look handsome aswell." i winked at him.

I sat next to pedri and pablo while gavi was infront of me.

"so how was new york?" ferran asked me now all heads were turned to me.

"it was amazing the victoria secrets runway oh and ofc the dinner with the other celebrities." i smiled.

"why was timothée's hand around your shoulder?" gavi suddenly asked seemed very jealous but he was the one who said we were nothing?

"oh come on it wasnt even on my shoulder it was in my chair and hes just my friend besides i think you should care more about leonor." i snapped at him.

"you know i dont feel anything to leonor." he told me.

"funny eh everytime she comes back you leave me." i looked down.

"but lets not talk about this." i told him sternly.

"uh so anyway how was it without me?" i smirked at the boys.

"awful." pablo said beside me.

"boring." ferran told me.

"so on the conclusion it was like hell without you." pedri put all of it together.

"you guys are so dramatic i was gone for like 3 days." i told them while rolling my eyes jokingly.

we ordered some food i ordered a carbonada pasta.

The tension between me and gavi was so strong.

i just wanted to get up and kiss him.
but im still mad at him.

"mhm this pasta is so good." i told them.

"no this steak is better." pedri told me.

we argued over pasta and steak like 9yr olds.

we were done eating then we ordered dessert.

"what would you guys like?" the waited asked.

"uhm can i please get a bowl of fruit salad?" i asked politely.

"ofc anything for you princess." he winked at me.
i shifted in my seat uncomfortable with the situation and i think gavi noticed.

the others ordered now we were just waiting for it to arrive, im craving a bowl of fruit salad.

Chapter XIX>>

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