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Its been a week, they got back at barcelona training everyday i went to watch it everyday.

Me and gavi were friends kind of its hard to explain he still didnt ask me but thats okay.

It was now thursday tomorrow barca is going to play vs bvb im a little nervous bc jude bellingham is on the other team.

he my ex for those who didnt know we dated for like a year.

Im gonna do my skincare and go to sleep im so tired.

The game is at 8pm.


good night mi amor♥️

              good night mi corazòn♥️

I smiles at the text of him saying good night.
I got under the covers and fell asleep.

I woke up at 11am i was pretty tired so i slept the first thinf i did is i texted gavi back with a good morning.

I got up and went to make lunch already.
I just did a casear salad.

After i ate i watched love island.
I miss gavi ugh.

Its now 16:30pm so i started getting ready.
I went took a shower and dried my hair.

I did my skincare and then my makeup.
I decided to do some waves with my hair.

I put on some darker blue a little bit baggy jeans.
Then i put my barca jersey on with gavi's name on it ofc.

I put on my white airforces on and a black lather jacked that went a little lower then my waist.

I grabbed my black dior handbag and put on perfume and jewelry.

I went to my garage and ebtered my mercedes and started driving to the football stadium.

I got there and as i am famous and im like a part of the fbc club im on the front seats.

I can see everything.
I go down to where the bench is at and see gavi.
I ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

"hey amor." he smiled at me.
"hey gavi good luck out there." i smiled back.

I then saw pedri and gave him a big hug wishing him good luck aswell.
He knows that judes my ex.

I go back to my seats and wait till the game starts.

The game started pretty well both teams were doing good.

But then bvb started getting really close Bit then reyna passed the ball to jude and jude scored.
Tbh it was a really good goal.

everyone started screaming for them jude ran to were im like seated and did an A.

Whats he doing?! He always did this celebration when we were together.

Me and him made eye contact i just looked away and looked at gavi.
Oh no i think he saw he must know whats going on.

I saw him walking up to pedri mad, pedri mustve told him know but its okay.

Gavi now was really pissed oh no.

I started to panick knowing pissed gavi isnt good.
The game went on.

Pedri scored a goal!
I started to scream for him i just wanted to go there and hug him they all started to hug him.

The game went on but suddenly jude went up to gavi and told him something.

That made gavi really mad, gavi pushed jude to the grass and wanted to punch him but then pedri grabbed him and more securities came.

They gave him a yellow card.
What even if im on gavis side it needed to be a red card.

The game continued fbc ended up winning 3:2.
Wich im really happy about but gavis still mad.

After the game i went rushing to the cabin room.

"Gavi what happend?!" i asked him.
he just doesnt look at me.

everyone in the room is now starring at us.

"tell me what happend, why did u push him!" i kinda yelled.

he still didnt talk so i pushed him that know everyone was with mouth open.

"What the hell happend." i gave him a death stare.

"He fucking said that after the game he will fuck you!" he yelled.

Everyone just starred shocked about what happend i stood there speechless not knowing jude would do such a thing.

I just shook my head and started to walk towards bvb cabin.

I entered and went straight to jude.
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I yelled at him.

"princess you know its the truth." he smirked.
"You know its not your a fucking bastard." ibstarred at him seriously.

"dont tell me you guys are a thing?" he asked.
"No were not but it doesnt give you the right to say that about me." i told him.

Everyone was starting it was really akward.

"Come on aurora i want you come back." he started getting closer.

Wanting to kiss me i wanted to slap him but before the whole barca team barged in.

"Get the hell away from her." pedri grabbed me aside.

"if you ever touch her,look at her , talk about her i will fucking make sure you will lose everyting."
gavi told him sternly.

god that was so hot.
We all left the room with pedris and gavis hand on my lower waist.

This will be very akward.


Chapter XII>>

guys i love jude i just wanted to add a little drama 😭

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