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i quickly got into the shower to take all the sweat off of yesterday.
Then i got out and wrapped a towel around my body and head while brushing my teeth.

As i finished brushing my teeth i did my skincare and dried my hair i decided to straighten it.

It took a little while do decide what i was going to wear but i decided this dress :

It took a little while do decide what i was going to wear but i decided this dress :

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I decided to grab my pearly handbag and some jewelry.

I look amazing, i grabbed my black heels and put them on. It was already 6:35pm.

but gavi told me he would pick me up so im just gonna wait till he texts me saying his here.

i got the text and immediately locked my door and went to my driveway.

"hola amor wow you look gorgeous." he said while walking out of the car to kiss me.

"hola,you dont look bad yourself." i said while kissing him back.

he took my hand and led me to the passenger seat and opened the door to help me get in.

"wow such an gentleman." i smirked.

"only for you." he winked at me.
i slightly laughed while waiting for him to get in.

while he was driving one of his hands was on my tigh but i could feel he was nervous.

"are you okay?" i asked while putting my hand on his slightly stroking it.

"yea-yeah." he quickly looked at me and shuttered.

i just nodded my head and looked out ot the window.


We finally arrived and he quickly got out of the car to open my door.

He locked the car and interviewed our hands.

"are you ready?" he asked me.

"yeah." i smiled softly while nodding my head.

we started to walk inside he told some worker he made a reservation so the waitress led us to our table.

Gavi pulled my chair for me to seat down i smiled at him and sat down and waited for him to sit.

"so what do you wanna talk about?" i asked.

"i wanted to ask you to meet my family." he stated.

"oh yes sure." i smiled.

"what would you guys like to drink?" the waitress asked.

"wine please." gavi told the waitress and she quickly went to grab it.

"so when will i meet your family?" i asked him.
"i was thinking tomorrow, i dont have training thats why." he told me while smiling.

"okay that works." the waiter came and gave us out wine.

gavi grabbed my glass and poured some wine for me and him.

"i will see when you can meet mine." i told him while sipping a little bit wine.

he nodded his head.

we chatted for a bit and then ordered our food, i ordered a casear salad and he ordered steak.

"mhm this is so good." he told me while taking a bite out of his steak.

i laughed at his reaction.
Me and him started talking about things like embarassing moments and other stuff.

"and then when pedri went to ask my mother to go to the cinema with him he slippedbandbmy mother was carring a plate of pasta them he accidentally touched her and the plate fell on the floor you shoulve seen his face!" i lauged while gavi was dying of laughter.

"how many girlfriends did you have?" i asked of curiosity.

"2." he told me.
"my first was in high school her name was isabella i think, and the other was sofia. Sofia cheated on me." he told me while looking down.

i grabbed his hand from across the table and saw him smile.

"how many did you have?" he asked now looking up.

"like you 2, my first was in high school his name was david he was so sweet and the other was jude." i told him.

"if i can ask what happend with jude?" he asked.

"well when we were 16 we started dating we were really happy and then he contracted his first football club birmingham city. I went to all his matches to support him even if it was snowing.
when we turned 17 he started loosing feelings and wnd only caring about football. So then we broke up it was really hard then i moved back to barcelona and yeah we didn't speak anymore till you guys had to play against eachother." i told him the whole story.

he just stayed silence not knowing what to do.

"do you still have feelings for him?" he asked.

"no ofc not i only love you." i smiled.

We started talking about other things then we decided to order dessert.

He payed for the dinner even after i told him he doesnt have to pay.

Instead of bringing me home he brought to a beautiful beach.

I took of my heels and started walking near the water.

he grabbed my hand and we started walking together.

the sunset was setting it looked beautiful.

"aurora?" he said while stopping.

"yeah?" i asked confused.

"i have loved you since pedri interduced you to me. I never thought i would have found my soulmate. At such a young age but i found. I just want you in my life. you are ny life. If i was dying you would be the first person who'd i call.
I cant live without you.

I want youbto be the mother of my children. I want you to be my wife. And i love you so much.
And im sorry for all the mistakes ive mad.
I regret it all. So im here today to ask you if you want to be my girlfriend." he asked while pulling out a promise ring.

"and to promise me that youll always be here for me."

i just stood there shocked.
tears started to well up.

"YES YES!" i yelled while hugging him.

I let go and kissed him he kissed me back then he pulled away to put on my promise ring.

it fit perfectly.

"i thought you would say no." he sighed in relief.

"no ofc not you dummy." i giggled.

then we started walking back to the car thats why he was nervous.

he started driving while his hand was on my tigh and i was admiring my ring.

im exited to meet his family.

he brought me home and said he would pick me up tomorrow at 11:25am were gonna eat lunch there.

"good night i love you." i told him while kissing him.

"good night i love you more." he told me while kissing me back.

i walked to my door and unlocked it.
i closed the door and pressed my back against my door and smiled like a little kid.


chapter XXI>>

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