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I woke up at 7am no one was in the room so i assume their already training.

I put on the jersey and shorts from yesterday wash my face do a light makeup and brush my hair into a high ponytail.

I go to where their training and see alot of people.

I see gavi he immediately turns to me and smiles
i smile back at him gosh i love his dimples.

"hey aurora were now gonna shot penalties." luis informed me.

i nodded at him and waited in line to shot my penalty i doubt it that i will score.

Now its my turn i started to get into my position and started thinking where should i shoot.

"you got this aurora!" pedri screamed.

i smiled at him he was always supportive.

I then kicked with my right leg and it went in!
Pedri came picked me up and spun me around.

we were giggling like 5 yr olds.
I turned to look at gavi and he had this jealous face on.

i quickly stopped giggling and went to the line again.

Its now one hour after and were pretty tired.
luis called us and said lunch is ready.

i sat next to gavi and pedri.

"so guys were getting guests the spanish royal family is coming they want to send us good luck and sget signed t-shirts. Be on your best behavior." he said with a stern face.

We were all shocked getting to meet the spanish royal family is such and incredible thing.

"When will they come?" ferran asked.
"Their coming tomorrow so you guys need to get ready" luis informed.

We all talked about the spanish family and some rules.

We all got back at training.

I was so exhausted i just wanted to cuddle with gavi and fall asleep.

"are you okay?" gavi asked.
"yeah im just pretty tired." i confessed.
"go take a nap well call you when dinners ready." he smiled.

So thats what i did i went and took a shower took of my makeup did my skin care and put this outfit on.

So thats what i did i went and took a shower took of my makeup did my skin care and put this outfit on

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I went under the covers and took a nap.

2 hours later i get a kiss on the forehead i open up my eyes a little and see gavi.

"dinners ready come on." he took my hand and led my downstairs to the dinning room.

Everyone was already eating i sat down next to gavi still a little sleepy.

I wasnt really hungry because i just woke up.

"arent you gonna eat?" gavi asked.
"ll just eat salad im not really hungry." i said.

Luis started talking again about the spanish family ugh i know their royality but you dont have to talk about them all the time.

Everyone finished dinner so me and gavi went upstairs.

He got onto my bed and we just cuddled we still werent anything but thats okay.

"tomorrow i need to do some shootings it's probably gonna take 2 hours." i told him.

"i dont think i can be without you that long." he jokingly rolled his eyes.

"hey we see eachtother everyday if we go back to spain im still going to be with you guys." i smiled.

"holy shit thats so good!" he souned so excited.

i smiled at his excitement.

He thenk stood up and said he was gonna take a shower.

While he was showering i was just scrolling through instagram.

He finally came back and got under the covers we never slept in the same bed thats our first time.

"good night my gavi." I looked up at him and closed my eyes.

"good night mi princessa." he kissed my forehead and closed his eyes.

there i slept laying on his chest while he had his arms wrapped around my waist.

Morning After~

I woke up at 7:30 i went down for breakfast everyone was still training thats why gavi wasnt in bed in the morning.

I brushed my teeth did a light makeup because they do my makeup in the studio.

I put my hair in a slik high ponytail.

I wore this outfit:

I grabbed my black handbag and went to my car

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I grabbed my black handbag and went to my car.

I started the car and blasted my playlist till i got there.

When i got there they started doing my makeup and i changed my clothes.

I did some shoots for dior.

After 2 hours of doing this i changed i to the outfit that i was wearing.

I went to my car and blasted my playlist again.

Its now 12am so i just went to starbucks for lunch because i assume everyone was already eating.

Its now 14pm when i arrived.

And i saw some cars outside the stadium so i assumed the spanish royal family was already here.

So i got more presentable and got in until i saw..


Chapter VII>>>

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