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I got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom i took a quick body shower just to freshen up.

Then i did my skincare and a natural makeup look.

I then chose my outfit :

It was litterly snowing oustide nothing compared to barcelona, I mean its new york after all

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It was litterly snowing oustide nothing compared to barcelona, I mean its new york after all.

I grabbed my purse and headed out i got into my uber and told him where to go.

As i got there i immediately saw paparazzi shit.
I got out of the door shielding my face with my hands and my securaties trying to prevent from people to touch me.

I got in and saw bella hadid.

"omg heyy!!" i ran up to her and hugged her.
"omg i missed you so much!" she smiled whike hugging me.

I litterly love bella she is my bestfriend here and when i go back to barcelona its always hard.

We talked about how im doing in barcelona i told her everything fine.

"so you and gavi?" she smirked.
"yeah i rather not talk about it." i looked down.

"oh ofc babe lets get going." she said with an reassuring smile.

We started to walk inside and saw kendall.

"omg kendall!" i hugged her.
" aurora heyy!" she smiled.

" cant belive you live in barcelona." she told me.
"yeah well its my country." i shrugged.

I lived in nyc for like 3 years when i was 15 then i moved back to spain.

"okay girls lets get started!" the producers yelled at us.

We started modeling doing what we would do on our runway looking at our outfits.

let me tell you my outfits are litterly the best!
I was really tired when i saw it was 1:30 pm.

we finally got to eat lunch we ate salads to keep our body slim for tomorrow.

We wokred for about 4 more hours it actually really fun wether me or bella doing stupid things lets show you guys some moments.


"hey auora catch this!" bella throws a vase at me.



"so guys just know tomorrow its a very important runway there will be very famous celebrities." a producer told us.

me and bella looking at eachother tryint not to laugh.

"pff-." i let out.

everyone looked at me confused.
then bella bursted out laughing.


"hey bella look." i twirled around my outfit.

"wow wanna marry me?" she asked getting on 1 knee.

"yes ofc milady." i told her.


"hey aurora before you go do you want maybe after the runway the next night come to a dinner with some celebrities?" she asked.

"oh yeah sure!" i nodded.

i hugged her and got into the SUV.

I got to the hotel and started scrolling through tiktok mostly edits of gavi coming in my fyp.

Gavi's POV :

"gavi i still cant belive you did that!" pedri yelled at me.

"she fucking loved you! and you left her for some other girl!" he pointed his finger at me.

"i know i fucked up!" i yelled back.
"i dont know how im gonna fix this." i looked down.

"end things with whatever you have with leonor." he told me.

"i dont have anything with her its just- shes the princess and i dont want to be disrespectful to her you know?" i explained.

"just do the right thing okay hermano im going know." he told me while patting my back.

He left my room and i layed on my bed thibking about what i should do.

i fucking love her.
I shouldn't of done that.

Auroras POV :

I put my pijamas on and ordered dinner.
Dinner arrived and i sarted eating im really nervous about tomorrow what if i trip?!

I finished dinner while watching cobra kai.
I wished i was in cobra kai.

I went to the bathroom brushed my hair and teeth and did my skincare.

Im really tired i woke up at 6:30 am and its only 9:30 pm tomorrow i only wake up at 8:30 am because the runway is only at 7pm.

i got under the covers and decided to text pedri.


hey, how r you
good, talked to gavi
about what??

the whole leonor thing
hes being childish
i cant belive he chose
her over you i mean
look at you your a
fucking goddess

omg shut up
i still cant belive it
i fucking love him and look
what he did.

i know hey i need to go
to training good luck
on your runway gonna
watch it on tv with the
while team to support you
love you amor♥️

okay love you too ♥️


I feel much better after texting with pedri it's different time zones so when here its night its in spain day time.

holy fuck the whole team is gonna watch my runway meaning gavi too.

oh gosh im even more nervous now, okay aurora everything is going to be perfect.

im just gonna sleep.


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