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I woke up at 10am no one woke me up and today they dont have training. So im still tired I guess im just gonna stay in bed till someone calls me.

Its now 12am and pedri called me to come eat lunch were all eating lunch quiet idk what happend.

"guys today we have an important dinner at 7pm so be ready." luis announced.

everyone just nodded their heads and i still didnt know what happend i guess ill just ask gavi what happend.

The day went pretty boring now i need to get ready for this meeting dinner.

I go shower just my body do my makeup and out some fancy dress and straighten my hair and ofc cant forget the jewelry.

the dress:

As im putting my heels on pedri comes in saying we need to go i grab my bag and go in the car with him

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As im putting my heels on pedri comes in saying we need to go i grab my bag and go in the car with him.

in the car are me him and gavi im in the backseat but its very akward this ride.

As we arrive its a very fancy restaurant gavi hasnt talked to me since this morning.

he didnt even say how pretty or beautiful i looked?

i sat next to pedri and gavi but there was some kind of tension between all the boys.

Luis and some kind of man i dont even know who he is are talking but the rest is quiet.

gavi stands up and goes to the balcony of the restaurant i decided to follow him.

wow the sky looks beautiful tonight.

"gavi?..." i asked

"aurora? what are you doing here?" he asked

"i saw you coming here i wanted to ask whats going on i mean the tension between all the boys you didnt even talk to me this morning i just dont understand." i confessed.

he stood there speechles.

"gavi, tell me what happend." i said to him.

"i fightet with pau today." he looked down.

"what why?" i asked confused.

"because i have feelings for you." he confessed.

i just stood there now im speechless.

"i fighet with him because he said something about you and i couldnt leave it alone he told how beautiful you were and everyone was there when i confessed that i have feelings for you aurora."
he looked at me.

Without any thoughts i grabbed his face and kissed him.

there was some seconds before we pulled away he just stood there.

"i have feelings for you too gavi , ive always had since the day i met you." i confessed

he grabbed my face and kissed me again.

"you dont know how long ive been waiting for this."  he caressed my check

"we should go back inside." i smiled at him.

we went back inside with the biggest smile on our faces.

we now ordered our food under the table was gavi holding my hand.

we ate dinner it was still akward but i know that everyone knows that something happend there but pedri isnt saying anything.

We all ate dessert and went back to the stadium.

we all went to our rooms but pedri still didnt say anything i went to the bathroom to do my skincare put on my pijamas.

the whole way home i was smiling like a little kid.

everyone was ready to go to bed.

nobody said goodnight.

                                 my gavi❤️

good night my aurora❤️

                                        good night my gavi❤️

me and him looked at eachother and smiled.

it was now 2am when i woke up very tirsty so i went down to the kitchen to drink something.

thats when i saw pedri.

"pedri?" i asked.

"aurora so you and gavi huh?" he asked curios.

"yeah uhm pedri i dont want this to ruin our friendshi-." with anything he gave me a hug.

"im happy for you aurora as a kid you always said you wanted to find a man who would make you happy." he smiled at me.

"then why didn't you talk to me all day?" i asked.

"at first i thought it would be bad for you but then i realized that he makes you happy." he confessed.

"oh thank god." i let a breath of relief.

we both went upstairs to our room.

i was now really tired i just wanted to sleep.

i went under the covers and started thinking about scenerios of me and gavi ofc.

oh how i lov- i mea-mean like like this boy.


Chapter VI>>>

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