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I wake up being shaked by a soft hand i slowly open my eyes and see who it is.

its gavi gosh he looks so handsome in the morning with his messy hair.

"morning aurora do you want to go downstairs for breakfast?" he asked me softly.

"yeah sure im just gonna use the bathroom." i quickly went into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my hair. Just to look more fine in the morning.

As i went downstairs i already saw everyone there sat eating breakfast.

i grabbed some scrambled eggs with toast and orange juice and went to sit next to gavi who smiled at me.

"so aurora how did you sleep?" he asked

"oh pretty good the bed is so much comfortable than the one in the hotel." i smiled.

he just nooded.

"so aurora if you want you can come train with us if you dont have anything to do." luis suggested.

everyone turned their heads to me oh gosh this is very akward but i dont have anything to do so why not.

"yeah sure thank you sir." i said politely.
"call me luis your like one of the team."he smiled.

After breakfast i went to our room and saw a jersey with shorts laying there for me.

i did my skin care did a light makeup and putted my clothes on.

my outfit:

Holy shit i looked so good!

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Holy shit i looked so good!

I went to the field where they train and stood next to luis not really knowing what to do.

"so aurora were gonna do 2 vs 2 so i guess you can go with gavi." luis said. My face light up when he said gavi and i didnt even notice.

"so i guess were a team now." he winked at me.

oh no im blushing this is so embarrassing i want to die.

Were now gonna play against Pau and ferran.
i god to my luck im good at football i used to play this since i was 6 yrs old.

Me and gavi gave eachtothers passes while walking to their goals pau and ferran tried to block it but we were good.

suddenly pau kicked my leg and he fell on top of me i dont even know how that happend.

but the thing is he didnt stand up he just kept staring deep into my eyes that is really wierd.

"hey back the hell of." gavi suddenly spoke.
i love when gavi is overprotective.

"its not like shes your girlfriend." pau responded.

"and what if she was huh back off." gavi spoke more agressive.

"hey stop it guys lets just continue." i interrupted them.

But i just kept thinking about what gavi said what if i was his girlfriend?

We just continued playing suddenly i scored a goal with gavi's assist.

I jumped at him and hugged him while we were screaming of happiness.

He put me down but still didnt let go.
he just stared at my green eyes.

"uh guys let's continue." ferran interrupted

we backed a little of and trained more for like 4 hours.

me and gavi won for 14 : 13
now its time for lunch so we all went inside.

it had salad with pasta.
it was so good im not joking.

We just talked about World cup and luis asking me if i want to continue train with them.
Ofc i said yes.

After lunch we trained till dinner we than ate dinner me and gavi had some kind of tention.

We always kept making eye contact like if we were waiting for one of us kiss eachother.

After dinner i went upstairs and shower.
I washed my hair shaved everything.

I got out putted on my pijamas dried my hair.
I layed under the covers and was just reading my romance book.

Oh damn a smut scene was coming i love those parts.

i was so concentrated reading that scene that i didnt even realize that gavi walked in.

"hey aurora." gavi simply said.

"AHH." i screamed and threw my book i didnt know he was in here.

he picked up my book and read some lines his face started getting red knowing he shouldn't read those lines.

"uh he-heres your book." he gave it to me quickly and went to the shower.

oh that was so embarrassing he now knows what kinda books i read.

after like 15min.

he came out just with the towel a little above hos waist hanging.

"i forgot my shorts." he picked up his shorts and went inside.

I didnt even realize i was starting at his abs.
Oh and i forgot to mention pedri and gavi sleep without t-shirts.

He came out and sat on his bed.
I think he was scrolling through instagram.

I picked up my phone and started scrolling through tiktok and sometimes his edits came.

"do you know when pedri's coming?" i asked.
"i think hes downstairs with the boys."he responded

"why arent you with them?" i curiously asked.

"i didnt want to leave you alone." he told me.

that made my heart melt.
hes the golden boy.
"i think im going to sleep." i said tiredly.

"good night aurora" he said.
"good night gavi" i said.

And with that i went to sleep.

Chapter IV>>

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