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There he was, my gavi talking to princess leonor.
They werent only talking they were laughing.

I just stood there but then i went to luis who was talking to the king and queen.

"Your majesty king Felipe and queen Letizia." i said with a polite smile.

"Hello aurora luis told us alot about you." King Felipe smiled at me.

"Oh dear, your gorgeous." Queen Letzizia smiled at me.

"Thank you so much your beautiful too." i gave a smile back.

I went to pedri i stood by his side quietly.
"are you okay?" pedri asked.
"yeah do you know why princess leonor is talking to gavi?"i asked.

"to be honest i dont know." he sincerely told me.

I then saw Infant Sofia alons so i went up to her.

"Hey sofia." i smiled at her.
she was kinda shocked that i was talking to her.

"Hello aurora." she smiled at me.
"How are you?" i asked.
"im good im excited to be here." she told me.

Ive never talked to her but she seems like a nice person .

"how are you?"she asked me.
"im good." i responded as if your sister isnt talking to my gavi.

He didnt even notice me arriving and hes always the one who notices first.

Me and Sofia were doing small talks then luis said we should go eat the appetizers.

We all got into the dinning room and still not a word from gavi.

I dont understand we fell asleep together and then the next day he ignores me?

I sat next to pau and pedri.
I didnt eat anything i wasnt hungry.

Leonor was sitting next to gavi.
Everyone was done with the appetizers.

"So guys the royal spanish family will stay here till the world cups finished." Luis informed.

Oh god no why no no no.
I didnt want them to be this long.

They just kept talking about football politics and more.

My eyes were just focused on gavi and leonor.
God shes blonde with blue eyes.

And im just a brunette with green eyes.
Dinner came everyone started to eat.

"Dont you wanna eat?" Pau asked.
"im not hungry." i told him.

"no you need to eat something." he insisted.

he picked up my fork and started to feed me.
That was so nice from him then when he failed we started giggling.

I felt gavis eyes on me but i didnt care.
After we were done they all went to a room with couches and everything.

I went to my room and started to cry and cry.
Im so overreacting but i dont give a fuck.

I looked a mess suddenly i got a knock on the door.

"hey aurora come downstairs everyone's there." pau told me.

"Yeah ill be there in a sec." i told him.

When he was gone i went to the bathroom and got a little cleaned up.

Thank god i had waterproof mascara.
I had a little red eyes from crying.

I went downstairs and sat next to pau.
What the hell why were they still talking.
I dont get it.

I got my phone out and scrolled through instagram.

I decided to post something.

liked by :pedri,ferrantorres and 938,263 morechannel who?🤍

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liked by :pedri,ferrantorres and 938,263 more
channel who?🤍

I already had so many likes.
I smiled while looking through positive comments.

"So King felipe and queen letizia your room is upstairs on the left." luis informed
"and the girls room is besides gavi,pedri and auroras room they can show you were." luis told them.

Gavi looked for like 1 sec at me when luis said my name.

It was now like 10pm we all went upstairs me gavi pedri and the sister.

"so theres your room." gavi told them.

"okay thank you good night yall and gavi." leonor said but directed to him.

"yeah thanks good night guys." sofia told us.
"good night." i told her and pedri too.

"good night leonor." gavi said that to her.
No what is happening.

We all went inside i went directly to the bathroom to take a cold shower after the whole shower i was crying.

I dried my hair put my pijamas on and did my skincare routine.

I got out but the boys couldnt really see me because just a lamp was on pedri now was in the shower.

It was really akward i was on my phone woth tears in my eyes.

Thank god pedri came out gavi went now.
"is everything good between you and gavi?"pedri asked.

"i dont know he hasnt talked to me since they came." i told him.

he nooded confused just as i was.
Gavi came out.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I went to my bed and got under the covers it was kinda cold i just needed gavi laying next to me.

Pedri shut the lamp down and layed on his bed i think he already fell asleep.

I cried very quietly not trying to be loud and thats  how i fell asleep.

                              Gavi's POV

I heard her quietly sniffing while crying i felt so bad what im i doing?

Im just gonna sleep.


Chapter VIII>>
( guys this doesnt happen in real life i just want to add some drama nothing to leonor okay!!)

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