2 - You cant go because i wont let you

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Today is a good day. He was with Izuku the whole time, the weather was nice, and no one dared to talk to his Izuku.

 Now the two of them are walking home from school.

 "I hope you had an amazing day kacchan, I know sometimes it's hard to enjoy yourself in school but who needs all those other people when you're with me!"

 Katsuki smiles, holding Izuku's hand. 

"Right, and I can't wait to show you how much I need you when we get home." 

Katsuki says it close to Izuku's ear so he can clearly see the red that explodes on his face, making him kind of look like a strawberry. The flirtatious tone Katsuki's using clearly shows what he's trying to imply.

 "Kacchan! Haha, you know we can't today."

 Katsuki's brows furrow and his eyes glare. 

"Why the hell not?" 

Izuku looks at him, eyes wide. 

"Did you honestly forget? I'm glad I remanded you then! It's that boy's birthday, the one with the red wing quirk, the one who always follows you around! We need to show up."

 Katsuki's glare is turned to the sidewalk in front of him. 

"We don't need to do shit, it's not like those extras matter, besides some party isn't even that big a deal."

 Izuku squeezes Bakugo's hand and gives him an earnest look. 

"But kacchan, we need to go, its important. What if they stop being your friends because you didn't show up?" 

Katsuki shrugs. 

"It's not like those idiots are gonna do anything important so what's the point in making connections. Come on Deku let's just stay home, I don't wanna go." 

Izuku sighs and lays his head on Katsuki's shoulder. 

"Ok kacchan." 

Katsuki wears a smug grin the rest of the way home. They go into the house and Izuku takes off his uniform, going upstairs. 

"I'm going to shower kacchan!" 

Katsuki smiles and changes his own clothes.

 "OK nerd!"

 The shower starts with a screech then hot water falls. Katsuki takes the laundry basket and goes into the bathroom, collecting Izuku's dirty uniform. Izuku pops his head out from under the curtain, a guilty expression on his face. 

"Kacchan, I should have gotten them, you didn't need to do it for me..." 

Katsuki looks at him and goes over, kissing him. Izuku hums in content and kisses back, then they pull away. 

Katsuki smiles at him fondly and ruffles his wet hair, water droplets going in different directions. 

"You know damn well I love taking care of my Izuku."

 Izuku's face turns red, and he smiles.

 "Kacchan your perfect." 

Katsuki grins.

 "I know. Now get back to showering, im gonna go get this washed." 

Izuku smiles, gives Katsuki one last kiss and goes back fully into the shower. Katsuki locks the back door, then the front, the only doors in the house. 

He hides the key somewhere he knows Izuku won't look. 

Izuku's not going anywhere Katsuki doesn't want him to go. 

He won't let him.

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