20 - Stalker Pt. 2

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A while later, the door bell rings and izuku gets up. He grabs the money from the counter and goes to the door. He opens it, the cold night air sending shivers down his spine and legs. He smiles at the pizza guy. "Hello! I got the money here!" He takes in the guys appearance. Blond spikey hair forced down by a hat, wearing a black hoodie, pants and shoes. But there are two things izuku finds more interesting. The blonds blood red eyes and the fact that he doesnt have his pizza. 

He nervously laughs. 

"U-um.. I think you have the wrong house.." 

The blonde is silent. Izukus hand grips the door knob and he takes a step back. 

"Um.. Have a good night..?" 

He goes to shut the door but the blond quickly puts his foot in between it to keep it from closing. 

"W-Wait! hold on!" 

Izuku nervously opens the door again. 


The blond looks down and then up at izukus eyes. 

"You.. Youve been leaving your window curtains open.. Even when your.. thats for me right?.." 

Izukus eyes widen and the blond continues 

"A-and when you leave your clothes everywhere... You never used to do that.. Even now your wearing something you kept in the back of your closet for so long.. so all of that.. is for me?.." 

Izuku is struck silent as he watches the red dust the blonds cheeks and he feels his own face heat up. 

"Have you.. been the one watching me..?" 

The blonds eyes widen and he puts his hands up quickly. 

"I-I um- I mean.."

Izuku lets out a deep breath. 

"Ill take that as a yes.." 

Its silent once again. 

"I.. I never meant anything bad by it! I swear i just!.. Shit..." 

izukus face turns even more red and he takes a step outside and grabs one of the blondes hands. 

"whats your name.." 

The blond doesnt remove his eyes from the place where their hands are held together 

"Katsuki Bakugou.." 

Izuku smiles. 

"Nice to meet you katsuki." 

- - - 

And thats how Izuku Midoriya met his future husband. 


I wanted them to be kinda awkward. I mean, this is when they are in middle school and middle schoolers are awkward and i feel like the situation is also 100 times more so. 

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