18 - My time

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Close your eyes, you'll be here soon

In his dreams is the only place he can reach him. The only place he can see Izuku. Even if he knows its not real and he isnt actually being with him, it doesnt matter. This is the only slice of happiness he has now. 

One, two, three, four, five minutes

Even if its for a short time, katsuki can live, can be with him again. He isnt alone when he sleeps because izuku is there, keeping him company in his dreams. After the accident, katsuki doesnt know what else to hope for. So now he doesnt go outside. He doesnt even leave his room. His parents bring him anything he needs, hoping with time he can leave on his own again. 

I really want to sleep

He has to wait till he gets drowsy enough to actually dream. So he passes time by looking at old photos. Izuku used to love taking photos. He took one of anything that caught his eye. Fish in a pond, the sun shining down on trees, katsuki looking around in the snow. Even himself in the mirror of a dark bathroom. 

But I cannot

He waits and waits. Its getting harder to fall asleep, alone in his room all of the time. Theres not much to do that makes him exhausted. Sometimes it takes up to hours to fall asleep. 


The accident is what he thinks about the most. How it all happened. Katsuki wished he had spotted the signs. He wish he could have changed it. Wished he could have taken action sooner. Wished that he would have seen the clues and helped izuku. But he seemed so happy... 

Close your eyes and you'll leave this dream

Izukus smile always lit up the room, his eyes shinning. So why hadnt he told anyone? Why hadnt he told katsuki? His best friend? He could have helped, together they could have worked through izukus problems. Izuku knew katsuki would do anything for him, even kill. Still, he said nothing. 


Katsuki had been the first one to see izuku like that. His face purple and his eyes open, still. He was so high up katsuki thought he was floating. Though he was being lifted, held up by the rope around his neck that left ugly red marks when katsuki ran to untie him. 

I know that it's hard to do

He had given him CPR, his lips cold and chapped. His body stiff as he started compressions. He checked his pulse. Nothing. 

Days go by, It can't be helped

Then he saw it. The note. In izukus handwriting, it was marked with the sentence. 'To whoever has the misfortune of finding me like this, im sorry.' He had picked it up with shaky hands, tears dropping and blurring his vision. 

Moments pass, Shattered glass, Hands of time

He opened it, still sitting next to the body of the only one he truly loved. The letter detailed what izuku had gone through, all of the pain he had suffered all alone. How he didnt blame anyone, and that no one should blame themselves about his death. He wrote that whoever found this letter would have to do something for him. 

wheres that chime? In my head, ill just ill just ill just 

Take care of katsuki. Tell him not to blame himself. Tell him to keep living for my sake. Tell him im sorry about this and that i hope he can find it in his heart to forgive me. 

hands of time will wring my neck, every little moment spells regret 

The days after have been a blur. Thats when he started to dream about him. In a world where he was able to help, where he and izuku continued to be together, happy. Thats when he realized that he would have to apologize to izuku the next time he saw him for real. 

But i dont have to feel this way, as a voice inside my head 

He took the pills. Every single one to make sure that he wouldnt come back. He locked the door and layed back down in bed and started to swallow, chugging bottles of water to help them down his throat. 

close your eyes and youll leave this dream, oyasumi, i know that its hard to do 

He will see him again. It doesnt matter what he has to do, hed do anything for him 

close your eyes and youll leave this dream i know that its hard to do

close your eyes and youll leave this dream 


i know that its hard to do 


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