13 - Savior pt. 1

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Izuku Midoriya is 19 years old, and he is currently visiting a old friend. 

Mitsuki Bakugou has been a long friend of the family for years, since Izuku was little. 

They haven't seen each other in a long time, and they both decided it would be fun to catch up.

Izuku knocks on the door to the house and waits. A couple of seconds later, Mitsuki opens the door, looking exhausted and older than she actually was. Izuku smiles. 

"Hey Mitsuki. How are you doing?"

 Mitsuki smiles back, letting Izuku in. As she holds the door open, Izuku notices the bruises on her wrists, but says nothing. 

They sit on the couch. Its dirty, and there are beer bottles in a corner of the living room. 

"Sorry that there is such a mess... I haven't had time to clean in a while..." 

Izuku puts a hand on her shoulder, and she winces slightly. 

"It's no problem Mitsuki. Now, how have you been?" 

They spend the next couple hours catching up. Then, there is loud knocking on the door and she slightly recoils, turning into herself. 

"Hey, you bitch open the damn door!"

 A man yells in a slur, clearly drunk. 

Mitsuki quickly opens the door. Izuku turns on his phone, using a recorder app and presses record, leaving his phone where it can pick up any sound. 

A tall, big man steps into the house, his white shirt stained with grease, beer, and something else. 

The man looks at Izuku, then yells at Mitsuki. 

"Are you cheating on me you hoe?! I should have known!" 

The man goes to grab Mitsuki, but his arm is stopped by Izuku. He grips hard. 

"Don't touch her." 

The man growls and goes to hit him. Mitsuki runs into the living room, scared. 

"I can do whatever the fuck i want! Thats my bitch, my house, and that shit stained kid is my property!"

Izuku dodges the punch and catches something. 


The man's leg moves, letting Izuku's eye catch something else. 

A bat. 

The man sees it too and they both go for it. Izuku being strong, healthy, and sober, gets to it first. With a hard swing to the man's side, he's sent rolling outside, curled up on the floor of the steps in pain. 

Izuku step on him and grabs his shirt, grinning. 

"So. Did you hurt Mitsuki and her son? Is that what you're saying bastard?" 

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