5 - Did you get my note?

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Izuku has a talent for writing down information. This was a fact with how many notebooks he has currently, full of information at every page, no blank space. 

So, when he saw Katsuki get a note in his locker from a girl confessing her love, Izuku knew what he was going to do. 

It started with small notes, like " i hope you've had a good day at school today Katsuki!" or "Good luck on the test today, i know you'll do amazing!" 

but as time went on, he couldn't help but wish for more. It wasn't like he could say all of this to Katsuki's face without a fist going straight through his own. So, he let himself write freely. 

'You're so amazing Katsuki, i wish i could actually talk to you normally" or "I watched you go home today, are you ok? Your quirk seems to be straining your body, is there anything i can do?" 

Izuku got more and more past the line, and once he was over it, he couldn't stop. 'Do you know that i watch you sleep all of the time? I go home and wait for you to fall asleep, it's the only thing i can look forward to now.' 

Izuku had watched Katsuki get the note from his own locker. He saw the way his eyebrows furrowed and how his lips turned up in a snarl and the way he shoved the note in his pocket, slamming his locker shut. 

Hes glad Katsuki would never find out it was him writing the notes. The day he got this one though, Katsuki was even more irritated, which meant more pain for Izuku. 

He didn't miss the way Katsuki stared at him with anger flaring in his eyes, but he also noticed how hurt Katsuki looked every time he set an explosion to his body. 

Izuku ended up hurting his hand really bad, and he couldn't write with his other one. So, there wasn't any notes for a whole week.

 And the whole week, he would catch Katsuki sending looks his way more than normal and glaring. 

He also watched as Katsuki would open his locker only to be met with no note, and then he would angerly slam his locker closed. 

The whole thing blew up even more when Izuku was cornered by him, slammed against the wall. 

"You fucking nerd, you think you can write shit like that every day and then suddenly stop? You think i give a fuck if your handwriting is shit if you use a different hand? Fucking get to it, if i don't come back tomorrow and there isn't a fucking note in my locker, I'll kill you!!" 

Katsuki sets off an explosion and leaves, Izuku staring dumbstruck at where Katsuki had just been.

 "I guess... He knew it was me..." 

He never missed getting his notes to Katsuki from that day forward and the two of them continued on as normal, like the fact that Katsuki enjoyed getting such creepy notes from the greenette hadn't changed anything at all, even though deep down both of them knew that wasn't true. 

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