12 - I'll be god today

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Izuku sees the way he looks at him. He would notice anything about his dear kacchan.

 Katsuki looks like he wants to praise him just for breathing, like it's the best and magnificent thing someone has ever done.

 So Izuku praises him instead, only listing facts he knows about the perfect boy. 

Katsuki sees the way he looks at him. It has such an effect on his mind its insane. Izuku looks at him like he wants to devour him. 

He has conflicting feelings about it. He wants to run away and hide but at the same time he wants to stare back, wants to bask in the feeling. 

He isn't deserving of such praise or attention. 

Izuku can tell that Katsuki would do anything for him, and it flatters him. 

He will take good care of him because what kind of God would he be if he let his loyal subject and lover suffer in any way? 

Katsuki is too lucky to have Izuku treat him like this, like the ground he walks on should be plated in gold, like he wants to make him scream.

 It makes him fear the future, where things might not be so perfect with his god. 

Izuku assures Katsuki that he will always be there for him, and that they will protect each other until their final moments, which won't be soon if Izuku has anything to say about it. 

Katsuki sees the looks others give them; they both do. But who cares about everyone else when all they need is each other? 

Izuku is his god, and he is Izuku's follower, the only one who could ever get this close to Izuku and if there was ever someone else this close, Katsuki will send them to the sacrificing stone like a little lamb. 

After all, his god was not merciful when it came to others, and if Katsuki could save those hands from becoming red with blood, he will do so in a heartbeat. 

Besides, a little dirty work never hurt anyone. Except maybe the person on the other side of Katsuki's blade.  

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