17 - New Seats Pt. 2

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Katsuki stops and his breathing halts. What? What if izuku agrees? What will he say? What if he thinks thats true and leaves him? What if he stops talking to him? What will he do then? He cants live without izuku, that much is certain, so how is he going to handle izuku cutting him out of his life? No, he cant let that happen. If izuku leaves, he'll die. If izuku agrees, he'll die he'll die he'll die he'll die- 

Katsuki grabs izuku hand tightly, looking at him pleadingly. "Deku- Izuku. Come on lets go." Izuku smiles, and then gives the kid a disappointed look as both of them leave the classroom into the part where are the kids are playing. Katsuki looks at izuku, who gives his hand a squeeze. "Kacchan. I love spending time with you and no one else." Katsukis heart melts. "I do too Izuku." Izuku turns red and looks at katsuki with the adoration, amazement, and praise that katsuki loves. 

Katsuki loves the feeling izuku gives him and he will never get enough of it. The way izuku makes his mind race and his body react are incredible to katsuki. Izuku is an angel that must be protected at all costs. izuku is everything katsuki needs and wants. izuku is a light that must be followed. Izuku is the only that matters. Only him. Only izuku. izuku izuku izuku izuku

Katsuki stares at him as his mind crowds up with these thoughts, lost in his magnificent green eyes that shine like a thousand emeralds. Katsuki drinks in everything about him. His freckles that dot his face like constellations, his dark green hair that curls and shoots in different directions. Katsuki wonders if izuku is even human, with a smile and face and presence like his, it wouldnt be hard to believe izuku fell from heaven and graced him with his existence. 

He wont let anyone take him away from his angel, not now, not ever. For as long as he lives Izuku will be katsukis and katsuki will be izukus. They will live together for all eternity. Just them, no one  else. The perfect izuku midoriya and the undeserving katsuki bakugou. Izuku pulls katsuki to the field so its just the two of them.

"Katsuki, i love you." 

Katsukis eyes widen, The words that leave izukus mouth set his fate, gives his life meaning, and everything clicks. 


Katsuki holds both of izukus hands in his own and looks at him dead in the eyes.

 "I love you, more then anything and anyone in the whole world."

 Izuku smiles. 

Years later, the two of them are married and live a happy life with three healthy children, being pro heros and holding onto each others undying love. 

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