14 - Savior pt. 2

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The man squirms, tears stinging his eyes from the pain of the fall. 

"They got what they deserved-"

 Izuku grips the bat in anger, and raises it up, a grin still on his face. 

"Wrong answer." 

He brings the bat down hard, the man screams, howling in pain. 

'Good. He deserves it.'

 Just then, Mitsuki is at the front door, running to a boy that is standing at the gate, watching. 

The boy is in a middle school uniform, a school bag over his shoulder. 

Mitsuki hugs him tight, crying. Izuku looks at the boy and Izuku puts the bat down. The boy has blond spikey hair and red eyes. 

They look at each other. Mitsuki looks at the boy, confused, tears still rolling down her face. 


 The boy, Katsuki, gets out of his mother's hold, and grabs onto Izuku. The boy holds on tight, and both Mitsuki and Izuku are shocked. 

Izuku awkwardly laughs, giving a Mitsuki a signal for help. Mitsuki giggles, wiping her eyes and smiling.

 "Let's go inside. The cops should be here soon." 

Izuku's eyes widen, and he runs into the house to get his phone. Katsuki stands confused, his arms to his sides.

 Izuku gets his phone right when both Mitsuki and Katsuki enter. Izuku grins, saving the recording. 

"That bastard won't stand a chance." 

They sit in the living room. Its silent, the only sound is the clock ticking. Izuku clears his throat. 

"So, um... I'm Izuku Midoriya. I'm a friend of your mothers. It's nice to meet you Katsuki- Oh or do you prefer Bakugo? i am so sorry this isn't a good way of meeting anyone so I'm kinda- oh heh... um... hmm." 

Izuku puts a hand on his chin, glaring hard at the floor, trying to think of something to say. 

Katsuki internally laughs at Izuku's rambling, and answers.

 "Call me Katsuki, I'll call you Deku. Got it?"

 Izuku looks at Katsuki. Mitsuki jumps. 

"Katsuki! Don't say stuff like that-" 

"Its fine Mitsuki." 

Izuku smiles at Katsuki. 

"Deku it is then." 

Katsuki nods, looking away, his ears pink. Mitsuki Bakugou was pregnant with Katsuki when she was a teen, married to a nice man. 

He died due to health difficulties. She then met her boyfriend, who abused and tormented the both of them. 

Soon, the police arrive and question all of them. After Izuku shows the recording, the police have enough evidence to arrest the man. 

After the police leave, it is very late and dark. Izuku stands from the couch, stretching. 

"I should be going now; my mom is going to be worried if i don't call her and show her the new house." 

Mitsuki gives him a confused look. 

"You don't live with inko?"

 Izuku shakes his head, smiling. 

"Nope. I live alone in my own place now." 

He hugs Mitsuki. 

"It was good seeing you again Mitsuki." 

Mitsuki smiles. 

"You too... Thank you for everything." 

Izuku smiles. Katsuki hugs Izuku tightly. 

"Do you have to go Deku..." 

Izuku hugs back, and ruffles Katsuki's blond locks.

 "I'll come back soon don't worry!" 

Izuku leans down to meet Katsuki's stare, still smiling. 

"Just be good for your mother." 

Katsuki nods. 

"You better come back..."

 Izuku nods, leaving. He shuts the door quietly behind him. 

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