19 - Stalker Pt. 1

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Izuku has a stalker. Crazy right? Him, quirkless, useless izuku midoriya AKA deku. Who in the hell would devote themselves to someone like him? Izuku started noticing things. Someone trailing behind him when he walked to school or home, his clothes or small items going missing, the smell of carmle on his pillow when he went to sleep. Of course, hes never actually seen his stalker, only small glimpses here or there. If it wasnt for his sharp observation skills, izuku is sure he would have missed it. Normally, when someone has a stalker, they change the locks, their habits, maybe even move out or call the police. 

But izuku couldnt help but see this as an opportunity. When would he ever get this chance again? He couldnt help but a little.. careless. Izuku would leave his curtain open while he changed, leave some of his sweaty clothing out after partaking in certain.. Activities. And maybe getting in the habit of spending more time wearing less clothes around the house when his mother wasnt home. And through all of this, izuku saw instant results. Hungry eyes staring at him, more clothes missing and quieted breath coming closer and closer. 

This brings us to now. Izuku is walking home from school, fresh new bruises covering his body from todays beat down. He bitterly thinks that hes only existing for the sick enjoyment of others. But, there is a ray of sunshine in all of this. I mean, his stalker would never ever do things others would. He smiles slightly as he limps in the direction of his house, vision slightly blurry. Every time he inhales, the smell of iron invades his nostrils, and he takes slight comfort in the fact that its his and not someone elses. 

He gets to the door steps of his home and quickly opens the door after fumbling with his keys for a couple of seconds. The next couple of minutes is routine for him. Showering, fixing his old injuries and cleaning the new ones. Finally, in shorts and an old all might t shirt he got for his birthday a couple of years ago, izuku plops down on his bed. He begins to scroll through his phone, looking mindlessly at pictures of couples, little kids, food, the generic kind of stuff. 

Izukus stomach rumbles and in that moment his phone dings. A message from his mother reads: 

Hello Honey! Im going out with Mitsuki tonight so ill be home late! I left money on the counter for you! 

He sighs and gets out of bed, leaving his phone on the bed to charge. Izuku stretches' in front of his window, yawning. "Now what do i want to eat today.." He leaves his bedroom, going down the hall into the kitchen. Looking at the money, he gets an idea and goes back upstairs. He orders pizza, then goes back down into the living room, laying on the couch. He turns on the T.V and begins to watch a show. 

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