11 - King

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Katsuki loves his job in the palace. It's the perfect place to be if you want to get to see the king every day for the rest of your life.

 Katsuki has served the kingdom since he was a child, mostly because it has been his family's duty to do so for generations.

 But the reason that Katsuki loves his job is because he gets to see him. The person he has watched grow up since they both were kids. 

King Izuku Midoriya. Hes known as the youngest king in history, coming into power at only 16. Katsuki was so proud of him, he almost let the secret slip. 

The special secret that kept the two of them connected, even though no one else was supposed to know about it. 

The way King Midoriya was made king at such a young age. 

Katsuki saw the way Izuku was unhappy, being the 20th prince of the kingdom, he would be very old before he could rule.

 He didn't want to wait, he wanted to be king now, not later when he was too old to do anything. 

So, Katsuki came up with a plan. 

No one really cares about the princes so far away from ruling, so Izuku was mostly free to do what he wanted, even if it meant he wanted to spend most of his time with his personal servant.

 The two of them had plenty of time to prepare, to plan. It was swiftly carried out at dinner, when Katsuki slipped in poison in all the drinks of the royal family, excluding his angelic Izuku. 

He watched as blood sprayed from out of their mouths and as they cried and slummed in their chairs, Izuku happily eating his dinner. 

The magical doctor who specialized in healing fairy magic was called, but by that time they were all lost. 

The crowning of the new king was held only a week later, Izuku addressing all of his subjects.

 Strong, reliable and brave Izuku promised to protect all of them, no matter the cost; and Katsuki quickly climbed up the ranks, taking his side right beside Izuku. 

No one would dare object to the king's decision to marry a servant, especially in his own kingdom.

 Katsuki was happy with this, so content that his plan had worked so well.

 They would go down in history, and Katsuki made sure that their love was written for all to see. 

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