3 - i dont want you to talk to them ever again

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Izuku is minding his own business, you know, like a decent human being, when a girl in the same uniform walks up to his desk, holding a letter. 

"H-hello Midoriya-kun....T-this is for you..." 

Izuku raises a brow and takes it and the girl runs off. 

"Please read it!"

 Izuku looks at the letter and opens it. The writing is fancy and there's perfume sprayed on it, a floral scent that makes his nose scrunch up slightly.

 Izuku begins to read:

Dear Midoriya-kun,
I know we haven't gotten that much time to talk to each other, but I want to change that. I like you, like really really like you. I finally got the courage to ask and tell you. I want to be your girlfriend but maybe that's too fast? I would love to ask you on a date so we can get to know each other as more then classmates Midoriya-kun. Meet me Friday so you have time to think about it. I'll be waiting behind the school next to the flowers at the fence.
                        Love, Rina <3

Izuku sighs. He can't help but feel pity for this girl. Then, he feels eyes on him and turns around in his seat. 

"Kacchan you don't need to stare so hard-"

 "Who was that? Do you know her? What did she give you? Do you like her? Do you think she's cute? Have you been with her before and I didn't see? Are you cheating-"

 Izuku stands and goes to Katsuki's desk, the one in the corner. He takes a seat on his lap. Katsuki scoots back and makes it more comfortable for the both of them. 

Izuku holds his face in his hands and kisses him, then pulls away. 

"Katsuki, I don't know her or care who she is, no one is better than you, you're the only one for me." 

Katsuki's face turns red but his eyes stare at the letter in Izuku's hand, and he gives it to him. Katsuki reads it, his anger getting more and more intense, and after he rips the letter into little shreds and explodes them into ash with a satisfied grin. 

"There, gone and forgotten." 

Izuku sighs and puts his head into the crook of Katsuki's neck. 

"You're such a hothead kacchan.."

 Katsuki feels him mumble against his skin, putting his hands in his curly hair. 

"Is that a fucking problem nerd?" 

Izuku smiles. 

"Of course not, I love it." 

Katsuki laughs. 

"You better cause your fucking stuck with me Izuku."

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