16 - New Seats Pt. 1

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Everyone knows it. Katsuki Bakugou is madly in love with Izuku Midoriya. It was an unspoken rule to never talk to Izuku or stare too long when Katsuki was around.

 Even at their young age all the children knew this. 

Katsuki would hold Izuku's hand when they walked together, sat and gave him food at lunch, would never leave his side at play time, even when going to the bathroom. 

Even the teachers were used to it. 

The one time that made it all clear to the adults that Katsuki Bakugo would not and could not be alone without Izuku next to him was the first day of new seats. 

Izuku slowly sits at his new desk, waving slightly when the boy next to him smiles. 

Izuku was at the end of the row, so the only person next to him was that boy. Katsuki, unfortunately, was seated two rows behind Izuku. 

Izuku had to turn around to look at him, which made it difficult to even whisper during class.

 Izuku turned his head and gave Katsuki a reassuring smile, making Katsuki's heart ache.

 It wasn't fair. How come some worthless extra got to sit next to his Deku but he couldn't? 

Why did the bitch of a teacher seat him two rows behind, away from his Deku? 

Katsuki is still too young to understand his feelings, but the only thing he really needs to know is that if Izuku is even looking at someone other than him, Katsuki sees red.

 Izuku and the boy indulge in small conversation, talking about hero's, food, and the newest popular T.V show. 

Katsuki doesn't miss the way the boy scoots his chair to sit closer to Izuku. 


Izuku smiles, rambling on about a new hero he likes, and the boy looks at him fondly. 


Izuku turns his head and gives Katsuki a smile, moving his fingers into a heart shape and looking at Katsuki, making his heart beat out of his chest and face red.

 He grins and does the same, clearly happy to have Izuku's attention back on him. 

Then the useless extra moves his chair even closer, their shoulders now almost touching, making Izuku turn is attention back to him. 


Katsuki balls his hands into firsts, glaring at the boy who is now talking to Izuku. 

Then their eyes meet. The little bastard smirks

Katsuki feels his blood boil, his palms sweat, and his vision focus dangerously on the boy. 


The bell for recess rings and everyone piles out. Katsuki is approaching Izuku's desk when he hears their conversation. 

"Hey Midoriya-Kun, do you want to play with me? We can do whatever you want!" 

Izuku looks down at his red shoes. 

"Um... Well, me and kacchan usually play together at recess but um... you can join us if you want..."

 The boy sees Katsuki and the same smirk from before appears on his face. He then looks at Izuku who hasn't noticed yet. 

"Don't you get tired of hanging around him all the time? He seems so clingy and annoying. You should just ditch him and come play with me instead. Just us." 

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