10 - Love

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Katsuki's love for Izuku isn't just love if that makes sense. He knows that most people call it love, and maybe that's what they feel. 

But Katsuki has felt love before. He loves his family, he loves to win, he loved others. Even then he knew that what he felt for Izuku was different.

 it was deeper, rooted into his soul. His love for other things could be uprooted and destroyed in an instant. 

But with his feeling for Izuku, he knew it was a part of him, something he couldn't erase even if he wanted to. 

His love for Izuku made him feel whole, a person. It's something that's his, something no one or nothing will take away from him.

 Even when his parents begged him to stop, to come to his senses, he knew that he couldn't and that he wouldn't. 

Even when they cried and screaming and sobbed for him to stop killing, he knew he couldn't. 

Any guilt or love he felt for his parents was taken away when compared with his feelings for Izuku. 

If Izuku said it, he would even kill his own parents. But Izuku would never command such a thing, his god was too merciful for something like that. 

So, he kept them alive if they promised never to speak of the incident again. 

They wouldn't agree to his conditions, and he was about to take matters into his own hands, to make them agree. But luckily for them, his Izuku was there to defuse the situation. 

He took them into the kitchen alone, telling Katsuki to wait in his room. He did so, and when he was called back down, his parents were shaking and agreeing. 

Katsuki could have told them to do a handstand while in the air and they would have found some way to do it even if it killed them.

 Izuku had a glint in his eyes, and Katsuki thought for a moment he could see them glowing green. 

His god had a talent for convincing people to forget or keep things secret. 

The chief of police, their family, the teachers, anyone who was a threat. If they failed to keep their mouths shut that's when Izuku let him take the lead. 

And when he did, the person in the chair wish they would have kept their mouth shut the first time around. 

The only time around. His love for Izuku fueled him to do anything, made him strong and unstoppable. 

Loving Izuku, being with Izuku, breathing the same air as him, was a reward Katsuki will never let himself forget. 

He would do anything for him, and this is what he tells the hero's when they captured him and threatened to hurt Izuku, who was tied up and bleeding in front of him.

 He had told him to keep his mouth shut, to not say a word, but Katsuki couldn't, not even when his god asked him. 

Because who can sit there and see the person they worship screaming in pain? 

They all looked at him like he was crazy, asked if Izuku ever did anything to make him think this way. 

Why would he? 

Katsuki was his own fucking person who made his own choices, he followed Izuku throughout everything because their connection was deeper than what anyone could understand, but that's ok. 

They didn't need to understand. They all died in the end. Like hell he would let them get away after the shit they made his god go through. 

And Katsuki got a nice reward after, one he didn't think he deserved, and not all the pain in the world would keep him from keeping his Izuku safe. 

No matter what, he would keep his god safe.

Authors note: 

If you have any things you wanna see and any suggestions comment. I'm happy to write anything. 

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